South DaCola

Gordon Howie, “The Bible is God’s Love Letter to mankind.”

As the church lady would say, “Well isn’t the Special?” I usually don’t re-post Gordon’s ‘Crap’ but his latest segment had me laughing. He talks about our Founding Fathers intent with freedom and religion. Howie-doodle gets it partially correct, the founding fathers did want freedom to be religious, and wanted government out of their churches, well guess what, the founding fathers expected the same from religion, stay out of the government. It is an agreement that has worked well for over 200 years, and it is not broken. Gordon thinks we need more religion in government (he has his undies in a bunch about gay marriage).

Just look at Iraq now, what do you think they are fighting over? Religion in government. No thanks, I hope we learned something from our own civil war, they are messy.

I think things are fine just the way they are. I think Gordon just needed an excuse to bring a bible loving blonde on his program.

6 8 14 Faith and Family in the US

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