South DaCola

Imagine that!? Kid’s like to swim outdoors

But hey, outdoor pools are a waste of money, even though attendance at them will probably blow away any attendance at an indoor pool.

More people have attended the Sioux Falls Pools this past month compared to years past.

In the month of May, the Sioux Falls Aquatic Facilities had a record attendance with 30,691 visits compared to the previous record set in 1988 with 23,999 visits.

This past May they were 13,000 visits ahead of the five-year average of 17,500 and 25,000 ahead of last year’s attendance. The recreation program coordinator says this is their second season of using the electronic swim passes, which allows family members to enter the pool by using a key fob.

Family swim passes sales have been a huge success with more than 1,500 new pass holders registering and approximately 2,100 renewals so far this season.

Probably a good thing we have the outdoor pools, we will have to find a way to subsidize the indoor pool somehow.

Another thing I noticed over the past couple of days, our sewer rates are going up to pay for all the blowups and explosions we have had over the last couple of years. Too bad we didn’t have $11 million dollars laying around to help with those infrastructure upgrades . . . wait, sewer pipes are not as fun as indoor swimming pools.

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