South DaCola

Jason Aldean sells out . . .


. . . apparently before the general public even gets to purchase tickets. Not that I give a rip, I think his music is . . . ah . . . I don’t want to get into that debate today.

The rumor on the street and on the facebook internets is that Sanford and First Premier employees had dibs to pre-sale yesterday, also in the mix were many scalpers. At the time the sale was supposed to start today, 10 AM, there were no tickets available. I checked some scalper sites and best you could get was a ticket in the upper bowl (originally priced at $29, for $100).

First off, I think it is a joke to advertise tickets at $29 and $59 dollars when that isn’t anywhere near the price. Secondly, I think it is total, total, BULLSHIT that the first show at the taxpayer funded events center had a pre-sale to a certain sector of our city. Yeah, yeah, yeah  I understand whose name is on the side of the building, but wouldn’t you think someone, anyone, at SMG would have had the common sense to not allow this show to practically sellout before it was actually on sale? We know that MMM and his ilk don’t have that kind of common sense.


I shouldn’t be surprised, many of us have speculated all along that Sanford and Premier would team up to make this first show a sellout. It certainly is, because they are ‘selling out’ the very people who are paying for the construction of the building. Looks like another Pavilion Great Hall, just on a bigger scale. The ‘have-nots’ paying for the ‘haves’ playgrounds while we are left on the sidelines.

And people wondered why I voted against it?

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