15 Thoughts on “Phillips to the Falls

  1. I’m actually gonna give kudos to the city and public works. We’ve had record breaking downpours only 3 days apart and I’ve heard of no major property loss of yet. My sump pump has rarely kicked on for the last 10 years we’ve lived in this house. Tonights it’s running every 2 minutes, so you know we’ve had some major precip.

  2. 85th stuckee on June 16, 2014 at 8:55 pm said:

    you know damn well that Huether had the Eng staff design to minimal code. May meet the law, but was pretty stupid. Come south to Twin Eagles and the same crap. Build it minimal code so MMM could sweep funds for the EC, have no conscious for flooding downstream to Harrisburg, Now we have the 100 year floods coming 3 times so far this summer, two alone in June. I hope they build the frikn Huether tennis club down in Yankton Trail park or at 85th and Minn, he couldn’t use it, but could look at it flooded, be a cheaper law suit than Walmart getting flooded and customers trying to get to Walmart stuck in flood water. They even had Minn closed going south as I’m sure 105 is impassible. Thanks goof MMM. Please don’t send Andy down with the flash flood signs to post to make us all feel better, use the frikn 11,000,000 and fix the areas to the standards the engineers need to design to. Its not a marketing game to design infrastructure, its a damn responsibility.

  3. While I’m no Huether fan at all. I’m fairly certain everything you just posted is horseshit. Are you claiming property loss or flooded roads? Keep in mind, curbed roads are designed to flood to aid in property protection.

  4. rufusx on June 16, 2014 at 11:31 pm said:

    stuckee – ALL codes are minimal. I repeat – ALL codes are minimum standards. You can’t do less than the code requires. That’s the nature of the code beast. The mayor is totally uninvolved in the process. Codes are written by engineers and panels of international experts. DEVELOPERS are required to follow them – at a minimum. DEVELOPERS can build to code – or in excess of code. Their choice. Just in case you missed the concept – ALL codes are minimum standards – ALL.

  5. Dan Daily on June 17, 2014 at 9:05 am said:

    85th stuckee, I’ve been that mad about city irresponsibility. Doesn’t help even if with public support. Infrastructure gets little attention until there’s a disaster. Then, there’s a temporary quick fix if you make it look like Huether’s idea.

    For now, maybe a petition (like for snowgates) requesting pontoon barges for city buses. Huether will rig the vote against it then 6 months later reintroduce it as his idea and policy.

  6. l3wis on June 17, 2014 at 9:05 am said:

    LJL, uh, it’s just a photo. What part of this ‘photo’ is BS? We got a record rainfall and the street had water in it. I don’t think I was claiming anything.

  7. Dan Daily on June 17, 2014 at 9:23 am said:

    What’s important now is Huether’s absent when the city needs him. It’s more important that he move his head back and forth watching the French Open in Paris.

    We need an indoor pool because everyone must know how to swim. We’ll pay for it and $10 a head to get in. Buy your own lifesaver ring. Not included.

  8. That post wasn’t for you DL. It’s directed towards 85th’s diatribe.

  9. Joan on June 17, 2014 at 5:47 pm said:

    I don’t know if it is true or not, but I have heard that the area of South Louise were blocked off in the area of the Empire Mall. It doesn’t take much rain to run over the street in that area.

  10. Poly43 on June 17, 2014 at 5:55 pm said:

    Total BS???? Don’t think so. How did TOE fare after this last round with our “curbed” Philips avenue?

  11. Titleist on June 17, 2014 at 11:20 pm said:

    Is Mayor Huether also personally responsible for the warning signs in BWW’s parking lot that the parking lot will flood in serious rain events?

    In what wacky conspiracy does he control the weather?

  12. 85th stuckee on June 18, 2014 at 6:48 pm said:

    Ljl. Glad to piss you off. Maybe you can understand why would a drainage eng try with minimal funds or no funds appease someone in the area to make it look like the ponds on south minn ave these were dug deep And were done correct and before the mmm ec was thought of They tried an experiment and they messed up I think they also were instructed to design as cheap as hell during the flood project and Phillips Ave rework

  13. OK Poly how did TOE fare? Or are you getting a hydrant explosion mixed up with rainfall.

  14. Poly43 on June 19, 2014 at 11:55 am said:

    Not getting anything mixed up. After the explosion the sidewalk out front has started to sink. Just wondering if TOE has been weathering the storms ok.

  15. friend of the TOE on June 19, 2014 at 12:29 pm said:

    The city has abandoned the TOE. The mayor and risk manager are intentionally ripping off the immigrant owner.

    She was operating profitably and now nothing left.

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