South DaCola

Plans for a Main Street ‘Diet’

I saw this on the informational meeting and city council meeting agendas (DOC: roaddiet)

While I agree with the concept of diagonal and ‘timed parking’ and closing down to two lanes on Main Ave. I am wondering why/how the city directors just pulled this out of their butts to present to the council? They are doing a presentation at 4 PM, then want the council to approve the concept at the 7 PM meeting in a ‘motion’. This should be an agenda item that should be discussed in the land use committee, not something Smith and Cotter cooked up over coffee and donuts with the mayor. Yes, I know, traffic studies were done and public input. But why the rush to get the council to approve this without their input? We can’t even give them a week to look over the plans? Just a couple of hours?

Road diet? More like communication diet.

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