South DaCola

Why was the governor’s debate on education cancelled?

Independent candidate for governor, Mike Myers, told me yesterday that there is to be four scheduled governor debates with all three candidates. One of the debates to be on SDPTV was cancelled due to ‘scheduling’. Mike wonders if Daugaard bailed on the debate and this is why it was cancelled? Mike asked an even more perplexing question, “If Dennis can’t attend the debate, why can’t there still be a debate between Wismer and I?” Good question. The SD GOP is good at controlling the message in the media, mostly by not saying anything. Why not? It worked for Rounds in the primary race.

I also asked Myers about his Lt. Governor search. He said he is still working on it and is open to suggestions. He is not opposed to tapping a Democrat or Republican (He asked Lowe if he was interested) but will probably go with another Independent. He has until August 12 to submit his running mate.

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