South DaCola

Can’t wait to see this on CNN

Actually I look forward to seeing Fareed Zakaria’s take on Sioux Falls and it’s government. It will be interesting to see what kind of spin our Mayor puts on it;

The city hosted a producer and photojournalist from CNN in December. During their visit, CNN interviewed Mayor Mike Huether and others, toured the city, and were interested in how government was getting results.

I can answer that question, Home Rule Charter and Dictatorship like government that rewards the rich with subsidies and tax breaks. While our top earners in Sioux Falls are doing very well, the rest are suffering the consequences. Food banks running dry, Free and reduced lunches are up in our schools, and we have to build bigger complexes for the homeless and needy. The council is virtually powerless and un-informed. City Hall controls all the information and only spoon feeds the council information. It’s easy to claim you have a successful city government when you are the only one in charge, that’s not a democracy, that is a dictatorship. I hope the reporter interviewing Huether saw through his bullshit, but my guess is like a majority of voters in Sioux Falls, they ate it up and loved it.

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