South DaCola

Does Mayor Huether have a crystal ball?


More like a Magic 8-Ball.

During the last Listening & Learning session (Wednesday, June 25) The mayor was asked by someone who works for the Sports Authority what is up with the siding on the Events Center and if it will rust or seep water. The man said he was asking the question because he has gotten a lot of emails about it. Towards the end of the segment, Huether seemed surprised that the Sports Authority was getting questions about it. He seemed a little annoyed this was getting out to the public and people were asking about it.

Huether first started by saying that they hired a consultant to look at the issue and will await their report. Fair enough, but as usual, he couldn’t resist to put his two-cents worth in. Even though the report wasn’t even in the hands of the city yet he said the siding was just aesthetics and that it wouldn’t leak or rust or hurt the structure. Wait, didn’t you just say you are still awaiting the report? How do you know what the consultant is going to say?

I guess the city does have the report now (according to the mayor in the video he said he would have it in a couple of weeks), so why not release the report until July 22?

What could be going on here?

– Could the consultant be a hired gun by Mortenson to create the results they want? And why is this consultant’s name confidential? There has been NO mention in the media who the city hired to do the report. Why is it such a big secret?

– Could the city be taking the report and ‘editing’ anything in that may not be to their liking? Could they be sending it back to the consultant for those ‘edits’ much like we suspected with the aquatics study?

– So how does a guy (the mayor) who has never worked in construction (or banking for that matter) know what the consultant is going to say weeks before the report is released?


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