Okay, so I saw these folks downtown today, wonder if they are protesting the ‘Stogeez Steakout’?


By l3wis

6 thoughts on “Found on FB”
  1. Looks like two opposing protesting groups to me. I don’t get the relationship to the fund raiser for the Teddy Bear Den? Please explain?

  2. My assumption was right, I heard today they were protesting the fundraiser for the Teddy Bear Den that helps underprivedled mothers.

  3. How is an after dark event at a smoking and alcohol establishment that parties in the street promoting or teaching parental responsibility? Hey mom, smoke them if you’ve got them.

    It is 2014, there is no such thing as an unplanned pregnancy. This is not 1950. There are countless methods of birth control. You want to get pregnant or you do not. You decide. There should no longer be a need for organizations like the Teddy bear den.

  4. One of my friends said it best, “They should put BC in the public water supply. If you want to have the antidote you have to pass an intelligence and parenting test.”

  5. I have for quite some time advocated BC in the water supply. The intelligence and parenting test for antidote is a brilliant touch!

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