
Who wants to see the Big Cat anyway?

Substance abuse? Homeless peeps? Rape? Theft? Assault? Drug dealing? That’s the least of MMM’s concerns when it comes to Van Eps Park;

Huether is also concerned about the image people get of Sioux Falls right off Minnesota Avenue in what he calls “The Grand Gateway”  to our town.

“Fly into our airport, come down Minnesota Avenue, go down 6th and 8th Streets to our beautiful Falls Park and as you’re driving by, you drive Van Eps Park and you go, ‘What was that?’  Reality is it’s a highly visible location and we’re going to make sure it shows well,” Huether said.

As I have said before, this isn’t a hard fix, but when you have a city administration more concerned about IMAGE over REALITY what do you expect?


By l3wis

8 thoughts on “It’s all about image with the Mayor”
  1. According to that link after many temporary java script allowances the comments state MMM cruises in style with Police Bodyguards.
    What a chcienshit maroon.When did SF become Chicago
    or Camden NJ?Hahahahaha
    In Art and Labor,..

  2. What makes him think when people fly into the airport, that they are going to want to see the Falls.

  3. Thanks Joan. I was thinking that too. May be mmm will be at the airport and hand out Walmart coupons. I wonder how many high rise apts will be needed to mask the state pen. I bet Jeff is working ot on that one Maybe put a sign on top that would state gladiator competition nightly.

  4. i thought mmm told us people would want to drive by the event center first. if people are truly driving downtown first, then maybe the event center should’ve been built there after all.

  5. The Mayor would probably prefer tourists not drive by the Events Center.

    Not with the way it looks right now……rippled, dented, buckling exterior………..

  6. I liked the clip showing the guy who fell down as if he were dead drunk. I thought about the movie business and how producers pay thousands of dollars to people to do funny things and here is this guy making people laugh and not getting a penny for his talent.

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