South DaCola

Saturday in the Park


Ziggy Marley, spreading the love

I am usually pretty hesitant about going to music festivals alone, but as you get older (and more full of shit) you usually meet people. This time I got the pleasure of meeting ‘Marko’ from Omaha, and had a great conversation with him about prejudice and racism in America. Marko was originally from Mexico, but has lived in America since he was eleven. He is a seasoned finish carpenter that now lives in Omaha and makes custom cabinetry. He kind of laughed about the way all races treat each other, and confessed “We are all the same. We have families, and work and lives.”

Then there were the ladies who drove 6 hours from Duluth Minnesota to see the Avett Brothers. Fortunately they were wearing dresses, because I think the one was going to wet her pants before they came on.

But my favorite were the two middle-aged guys from Omaha and Kansas City that could easily be featured in Viagra ads, they pretty much follow around music festivals all summer, and I think I talked them into coming to JazzFest. I just don’t want to see them making love in a bathtub on the beach.

I like Saturday in the Park, but I have two ‘complaints’ about the festival. There needs to be a tented/shaded beer garden and I think it is bogus that only one sponsor (Budweiser) has the exclusive contract on adult beverages.

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