I found it a little interesting that the AL was reporting that Walmart has requested a building permit for their Southside store. The Planning Department says it will take 3-4 weeks to issue the permit. In other words they have to wait to hear what a judge says after the August 18 hearing about ballot language. The city is requesting an immediate/timely ruling. I can guarantee you if the judge rules in favor of the city and Walmart, that building permit will be issued before the judge even leaves the courtroom.

By l3wis

3 thoughts on “Southside Walmart asks for building permit”
  1. Quite possibly MMM (Multi Millionaire Mike) now realizes he must make actions look legal with phase & time line. Rulings without public/council consideration look better. He can always dictate unconstitutionally but it looks better this way.

  2. Finally pay day for mmm Schmitt and cooper. Lloyd will be happy too all at taxpayer expense
    I hope this fails and then Schmitt won’t be lying when he says rs is to be protected he keeps saying it but not for twin eagles residents.
    This will be such a turd for Sioux Falls
    If mmm thinks van eps park is an eye sore for the grand entrance to Sanford falls wait til 85 and minn looks like Detroit. They won’t maintain it. Look at parts of minn and many side streets and see major infrastructure not being maintained Just another episode in the day of the saddest little city in America

  3. Did you read the article in the AL about the homeowners who were upset about the apartments going up in their backyards?

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