
By l3wis

6 thoughts on “Where’s my rubber stamp?”
  1. Well it sounded to us u had all the info mmm allowed u to have. Everyone thinks u r in his pocket.

  2. This guy uses the same line ad nauseam.

    It translates to……he has very little in-depth knowledge of our city’s issues, policies, etc……

    For those of you who voted for him, what did you expect from someone who has had almost no involvement in our local government before he took office.

    Reminds me of Rex Rolfing, and we all know what his voting history has been for the past four years!

  3. “What good would come of having information?”

    “Why would I want differing views?”

    “Isn’t Mike always right?”

    “We better listen or Erp will yell at Kermit”

  4. How bout rename the events center ‘Huether’? Sanford doesnt deserve defamation when Huether should become solely responsible for fake & flooded walls that require condemnation.

  5. Yes, the “trust the process” and let it play out is right out of the MMM favorite phrases book. Very disappointed in councilor Kiley thus far. Please, new councilors stand up and listen to citizens. I can only imagine how many underhanded “processes” of which you aren’t even aware.
    For one thing, demand to see the report on the E.C. Issues!

  6. Kiley, strong enough to stay above the special interests.

    Rolfing demolished his competition. A leader for Sioux Falls.

    Forward Sioux Falls!

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