
I created a PDF of what is ‘really’ going on with the mayor’s budget; Scoopshovel

2 Thoughts on “Clearing the ‘Sludge’ from the mayor’s proposed budget

  1. 85th stuckee on August 10, 2014 at 4:06 pm said:

    All I see all over the south end of Sioux Falls in Lincoln County is apt buildings. I’m sure most will be like Costellos at 85th and Lousie, income based. But while these are being built for MMM and RMB, they most likely will receive TIFS. This will end single family homes as we know them with Shape Places running ripshaw over everyone to the Developers delight. Anytime you can come in and rezone next to RS and create a frkn mess then thats what our buddies at city hall are doing. Christine, and others, are you going to stop this insanity??? or did you join the club. The more apts are built the more MMM will run on the platform for govenor he can take care of the baby boomers with affordable housing. Little does he know or care that the developements at 85th and tallgrass, 69th and all the streets to hwy 11 will flood the shit out of Harrisburg and Bakers Crossing. who will pay for that follie when Broin and MMM are collecting rents for low income and making a killing off Uncle Sam. Oh Gees the taxpayer of SIoux Falls, especially the ones who voted for Shape Places, I hope they have a stomach to start a repeal of Shape Places and get our city back into being fair for all with conditional use permitting. its not perfect but at least you won’t end up with an election that was rigged by the council and attorney fiddle faddle.

  2. Dan Daily on August 10, 2014 at 9:38 pm said:

    You’re kinda blasting away. It’s bad and what’s important is to fix it. There’s a few who know how. What’s sad is the best end up heroes but bankrupt (ie. every president on Mt. Rushmore) while Huether types escape to South America & live the remainder of their lives in splender.

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