

By l3wis

2 thoughts on “Fun stuff”
  1. Don’t know what the fun stuff is as I have many web-browsing securities and bandwidth presevation built in.

    I happen to come across (pissed cuz I got evicted for a misdemeanor).Fuck them and their crime free housing

    I wasn’t the mofo in every building they got smoking
    weed in the hallway or refuges brought here by LSS subsidized by the state dept. given free fancy fuckin cars free rent.

    At Taylors Place I asked thru a window can you turn the porno down they replied thru window ain’t nothing but a gang bang it’s real.

    I also had 13 of the freeloaders gang up on me at a shop ‘ n cart….they materialized out of 2 cars when I commented on one of their ilk’s saggy pants uncouthness at the register.

    Heard there was a stabbing and several beatdowns at van eps.Go there now with your taxpayer funded security detail MMM.

    In Art and Labor and survival,…

    (I edited this post, for you protection OBG – DL 🙂

  2. I commend you for making a point about Home Rule Charter. It’s how the city has become so corrupt. This group is a captive audience. More like them could get a mayor elected whose campaign is to repeal the charter in favor of a new democratic government. The EL siding was mentioned a few times. Once it starts coming apart midnight tagger revolutionaries should paint ‘Huether’ in black letters twice the size of Sanford halfway up the curved part.
    Early you mentioned religion. My belief and popular premise, is this country was founded on religious freedom but there should always be the separation of church and state.

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