South DaCola

I didn’t win


No surprise. I spent about 30 minutes on my design and mulled over about 5 different designs and decided to submit one. I felt it was strong. I have been a graphic designer for over 20 years and an artist for my entire life, picking up a pencil when I was about four. I have learned that I don’t let my feelings get hurt when I don’t win. Life is not about winning, it is about doing good work. I try to do GOOD WORK. Sometimes I fail, sometimes I win.

Often, art is about an opinion of others, it is subjective, I am content with that. I have people buy some of my art that I personally don’t like, but I don’t fret. If it makes them happy, so be it.

If I have one regret about my design, I think I should have included more industry and technology. But I stuck to the rules and felt the simplicity of the falls and South Dakota’s unrelenting Sun was enough.

As for other criteria, I felt that the submissions should have been anonymous and based on the quality of the work. I have been in many juried shows, and most quality shows don’t allow the jurors to know the artists or their names. It is a matter of fairness.

I felt the winning design was based on bias of the jurors and I was kind of upset that a ‘local’ was not picked. I believe the winner is from South Africa. I have lived the ‘American Dream’ or lack of it in Sioux Falls and South Dakota most of my life. This town is in my veins, I know it.

Do I think some on the selection committee denied my design as a finalist because of who I am. Maybe.

Do I think my design would never get the favor of city leaders because of who I am. Maybe.

My heart is not broken, like most things in this city, especially in the arts, I have learned we tend to take the well connected low road instead of the respectable high road.

All is fair in love and war.

I think I will be submitting my design to the County Commission, but I am probably ‘to broke’ to make a model.

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