I found this statement by the Parks Director and recently in the Mayor’s budget address to be dubious at best;

In the fall of 2016, this first-of-its-kind facility will open to the public, debt free.

“I’m not sure many cities across the country would be able to say that they can do that on a $20 million project. So we’re really proud of that, to be able to pay cash for it. And we’re also working on the operating side too; to try to minimize the amount of taxpayer dollars that have to go towards maintaining the facility either,” Kearney said.

Call it what you will, but his statement is NOT TRUE. Maybe partially, but let’s look at the facts. There will still be the Levee Bond debt when we open this facility. The city TOOK the repayment on that debt and used it to pay for the pool. That debt is and will still be owed when the doors open. We WILL NOT be ‘debt free’ and I am amazed they would blatantly lie about this. It seems this administration is getting bolder with what they are telling the public. As for the operating side, I am happy to see they are trying to find sponsors. I am assuming that since an Avera representative was at the groundbreaking (demolition) they will probably be a major sponsor. Either way, whether we have a sponsor or not, it will still cost around $700,000 a year to operate.

I did not attend the press conference, but I heard the mayor attributed a ‘secret committee’ to get this done. Wonder if that ‘secret committee’ knows anything about the quit claim deed? And who calls a ‘demolition’ a ‘ground breaking’ ceremony? Still laughing about that.

5 Thoughts on “Mayor and Parks Director continue to peddle the indoor pool falsehood

  1. You almost wonder if the conspiracy theory here is that Sanford found out that Avera was considering sponsoring the Spellerberg pool (still don’t know if they will) and that is why they announced they were building one to cock block Avera from putting their name on the facility? Food for thought.

  2. Dan Daily on August 12, 2014 at 4:04 pm said:

    I wish there was an active resourceful media outlet to get the real story out to the public. This site helps but it’s not complete or considered a record like newspaper & TV. Social media has replaced exposing corruption. I miss the days like when 60 minutes exposed Enron. Sioux Falls city government is as bad but everyone refuses to believe it with but only word on the street.

  3. Even if Sandford or Avera sponsor facilities, it still costs us as citizens. Hospital users must pay extra so that Sanford and Avera can give money away. Who are the hospital users? Of course we the citizens and taxpayers.

  4. 85th stuckee on August 12, 2014 at 11:27 pm said:

    I can’t believe that they said this. They must be running up the debt if 11 million does not mean debt to them. Holy cow, what will be next that will be free for all of us (BS). The arch over the river, supposed to be private funded, (oh yeah just like Huether tennis club), I’m sure that will be a real gem, curve some of that cheap siding that’s on the EC and glue it to the McDucks Arch spanning the Sioux Poo River. What a great draw that will be. NOT Wait til the real maintenance costs for the indoor pool come to the budget, it will be more like 2 million a year to maintain the building and the parking. If an outdoor pool leaks like a sieve, wait til an indoor pool rots the hell out of everything and the substandard minimal code construction will really be the icing on the cake.

  5. Dan Daily on August 13, 2014 at 8:20 am said:

    What if? The feds are waiting for the city to demolish the pool. Then, it’s returned to a state before the land was lent to the city. It’s a perfect time to reclaim it and incorporate the space into expanding the hospital complex.

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