The SF city council just approved $500,000 in the 2015 budget to go towards workforce development;

“What we’re looking for is the kinds of ideas that boost workforce, in terms of education, re-education. Things that make people want to work in a particular place,” Erpenbach said.

“It’s going to take all of the best minds to create the best solution that will utilize these funds in the best possible way,” Southeast Tech President, Jeff Holcomb said.

Southeast Tech President Jeff Holcomb believes his institution could use this kind of money to boost education opportunities for students of all kinds.

“It may be already existing worker that wants to be retrained to work in a specific skill that’s needed here. So this might be one of those opportunities where we’re actually up-scaling someone. Or helping them find success in a new career,” Holcomb said.

I like the idea. Training local workers to improve their skills. What worries me, is once again, the council approves an expenditure without a plan, which could quickly turn into abuse of the system. Hopefully the money will go towards helping local workers unlike the state spending a big chunk of change so they could recruit a handful of welders for one company.

We will have to watch this closely and see where this half-million gets spent.

3 Thoughts on “City Government getting in the business of workforce development

  1. I think this money could be better spent educating business owners and manager about what would make someone want to work for THEM. But what do I know??

  2. Dan Daily on September 20, 2014 at 10:20 am said:

    Probably hire a 100k consultant to advise where it should be directed. Disagree and hire another 100k consultant. Redirect 200k into areas of budget shortfall (indoor sports centers). Release the last 100k on subsidized transit to/from Augustana and the Tech Center.

  3. i would bet a good chunk of money goes to recruit workers for sanford and last premiere.

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