Little does the public know that about a thousand people were invited to a VIP party tonight at the center, this was the invitation, a stainless steel booklet hand delivered (too some) & mailed with goodies inside, It was NOT at taxpayer expense (it was stated at the event), I guess Denny made an appearance, he jumped out of a Papa Johns pizza, or something like that, in one of his Carnival costumes.


By l3wis

12 thoughts on “Events Center VIP Party”
  1. I was one in attendance. I am not a VIP. It was an event put on by First Premier Bank and their credit card associate. I received my invitation in the mail–not hand delivered. Try to get your facts straight.

  2. Gee they used stainless steel for a cheap folder but they can’t figure out how to fix the siding with it. Class act.

    Maybe the stainless steel booklets could be used for patches now.

    See Mr. Mayor, if you take the stainless steel, put it through a roll former so it has the same contour of the design you think the siding must have, you might have a leak free building.

    How much water have you had to drain out of the walls since the siding was put on? All those major holes, gaps and reverse flashings are going to make your cheap galvanized panels rust like the grain bin it is.

    At what point will you have those interior Sheetrock walls molding because of the accumulated water?

    So you had a VIP party for the specials while the place still smells new, how many people are going to be wanting to be in the place when it smells of mold? How much is the disaster cleanup going to cost us then?

    The EC is getting daily inspections by the public. How are you going to keep them away as the decay starts?

    By the way, how many change order records are being destroyed or rewritten to hide the blame?

    I would not want to be the city’s EC project manager when the blame falls with the buildings problems. We hear rumbles.

    It was great to hear Fiddle-Faddle tell us Mortenson has a year to fix the problem. Is it a year from the official turnover of building or discovery of problem?

    Did Sioux Falls issue itself an official occupancy permit? Who signed it? Is the date of the occupancy permit the day of official takeover of building by the city?

    So we are back to the water in the building walls because of the worst siding job we have ever seen, but here is a thought: use the cracks in the concrete floors to redirect the water to the ice rink and freeze it for the skaters.

  3. Mark, besides it being mailed to you, how else would you explain the event? The invitation says VIP on it, and only 1,000 people attended. Last I checked, the other 165,000 or so of us who were not invited still have to make the bond payments on the joint. Sounds like a VIP event to me.

  4. Papa John’s huh? Funny – I saw a Papa John’s delivery driver sitting at Burger King drive-up yesterday. What that’s got to do with anything…….?? But whatever – at least it gave me a chance to bash Papa John’s – in writing, in public. Careful with that axe Eugene.

  5. Just heard the guest speaker, Randall Wallace was from Hollywood and was very good. The event was a 1st Premier 25th anniversary party, not a city sponsored party.

    From his webpage: Randall Wallace – the Oscar®-nominated creative force behind the epic storytelling of such critical and box-office hits as BRAVEHEART, WE WERE SOLDIERS and PEARL HARBOR – last Fall brought to life the inspirational excitement of SECRETARIAT, the impossible true story of the racehorse who won the Triple Crown in 1973.

    As a side note, Huether was not allowed to speak and had to sit in the crowd. City officials were recognized as being there but not allowed on podium.

  6. So the story here is it was a Premier Bank Anniversary party that rented out the Premier Center.
    And they invited some people.
    How exactly is this a thing?
    Yes, if this was a city function – that would be an issue,
    But what we have here is the building being used and generating review.
    How is that a scandal? Once it was pointed out that that this was a private function – in the second post – why did this not die?
    Companies WILL be renting the space out – and frankly I’d MUCH rather have this than having it sit idle on a random Tuesday night.

  7. Not sure it is a ‘scandal’. I was just pointing out how the ‘specials’ had to have an event of their own with T. Denny. He was too good to rub elbows with the general public at the public open houses, instead sending chatty cathy crybaby to handle those events. His name is on the building, and we are paying for it and he too good to even make a 2 minute statement at the Ribbon cutting. Scandalous? Nope. Arrogant Elitism? Definitely.

  8. Just go ahead and transfer title to First Premier. It’ll never make money and is already plagued with construction defects. Once it’s private owned, it’ll be taxable land.

    One way to start paying down debt is the next mayor fully privatizing indoor sports temples so they pay property taxes. The Denny’s Plex & Huether’s Tennis can come of city books and pay major taxes.

    It’s interesting how the city can hand deliver stainless steel folders to their groupies but (for 20 years) never properly serve Danielson citations. They never talked to him. Just arrested him. Perhaps, their plan is to arrest 12,000 citizens for EC show’s.

  9. Maybe I should be bashing Burger King for selling food to that Papa John’s Delivery driver?? Who knows, maybe he was a corporate spy – up to some sort of espionage???

    Making any sense yet? Oh who cares – as long as I get to whine. God I love to bash certain people.

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