By l3wis

4 thoughts on “MMM gets a statue as well”
  1. You made my day. Thanks for the image and laugh. I tried to think of another civic idiot but could not you nailed it perfect

  2. Does the statue come with a water feature so the crocodile tears can be turned on and off like the real MMM? That man is dangerously unstable!

  3. I challenge anyone to walk through the building and not walk the cracks.

    The floors had to be ground down, polished, and sealed. There was a big announcement months ago claiming extra money was used to upgrade the floor finish to give us all a greater event center experience. Bullsh*t.

    Anyone half way qualified will inspect the crack patterns and see the direction of the structure underneath.

    The floors had to be polished because the cracking was so bad they were rough. Had the floors been properly laid, cracks would have been insignificant.

    Every time the floors are washed, every time someone spills their beer, wet shoes hit the floor the moisture will go to the cracks. In time think of city street potholes.

    What a dump. Glad huether takes full claim and blame for the building. What a clown.

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