There has been plenty of talk about the traffic studies by the proposed SS Walmart before the election, but the facts about access to the retailer were murky. A resident in the SON neighborhood recently spoke with a regional engineer (RE) with the SD DOT, here were the results of there teleconference;

Widening Highway 115 is rescheduled to 2017; this is due to not getting it approved by the state for 2015. The City was going to work on Cliff Ave and the State thought they should wait with the widening project. For 2016, any projects approved and scheduled prior to the last budget were funded, Highway 115 was not. So 2017 seemed the most appropriate time to do the work.

In July 2014, state-wide STIP meetings, to plan projects by DOT were held. They were open to the public (not sure where, probably Mitchell or Pierre) for statewide projects.  Aug to Sept will be the Transportation Commissioners’ meeting to approve projects for 2017. I’m not sure if we could get to communicate with this Board or not.  Usually approved once projects get this far.

One item for SD Highway 115 widening is the right of way. The RE said needs to be sorted through to get them right.

I also told him that 85th from Cliff to Highway 115 had not been asphalted this year as the City had planned. The purpose of this was mostly to provide the detour for Highway 115 widening.

According to The RE, the City is planning to hire a private developer to fix Twin Eagles pond. We had discussed how it floods at least once a year and how the rise in the water table has occurred; how the water keeps recycling through the sump pumps and sits saturated on the south side of 85th. Apparently, the City drainage engineers are trying to see if they can redirect some of the drainage to Heatheridge, as they are draining too much down Mustang and Grange).

The City will supposedly place a retention pond near Highway 100 and one farther south to County Rd 106 just west of Highway 115 (this area was a lake in June 2014). I asked if he knew about the other developments behind Jeff G.’s property and also about the road that more than likely will be put in over to Western Ave.  He was not aware of this.

The State most likely will not be able to tell the City what to do for engineering of drainage. The state will try to do all the highways with 100-year flood levels. I asked if they are redefining those since we are getting them every 2 years, they aren’t. They will also not do drainage studies from the existing areas and new areas and will rely on Sioux Falls.

He was aware of the building issue at 85th and Minn. and the court action pending that is pending. The State is planning to put signal lights at that intersection.  The City is responsible to build out 85th to the 4 lanes at least up to the entrance to the retail development.

So, it looks like the development will have only one intersection in and out until 2017 and will not have the right in/right out on Minnesota. I asked about why the 1/4 mile could not be allowed and maybe push Highway 100 south a bit; he said it would impact the environmental reviews that had just been approved. I don’t think they want to rework the routing. He thing that there will be no more instances of turning over control to the city (like north of 85th).

I’m sure the little driveway approach that is closer to Minn. on 85th on the south side will probably be the construction access.

For the part of Highway 100 that will be NE from Menards north to I90, this will be in 2018.  This will happen before the South will be done. DOT people should have public meetings to show the plans for this road and the bridge over I-90 to Cty121.

The South part will not be started until after 2018. They will be working on designs and right of way purchases. It could be that the DOT may have some shared responsibility with the City on the retention ponds. DOT does not usually deal with retention ponds, but appears they might this time. He thought the City of Sioux Falls would push its southern boundaries to County Rd 106/Highway 115 area.

I asked him how much of WM’s traffic study report from Kimberly Horn DOT had read as WM’s opening day depends on certain roads and traffic signals being completed. That report failed even with the RIRO on Highway 115 and the widening project done. He said that some of the other engineers have reviewed it and that is why they are putting in the traffic signal at the Minn. and 85th intersection.  It seems they will not supersede the city on that.

I’m sure they learned from the Hwy11 disaster. I think they slowed down due to the loss of the Shindler Lawsuit.

Let’s hope they have the access where it was to be on 85th (300 ft east), and not all the way to Audie.  This would also help the Charis corner development across the street.


11 Thoughts on “The proposed Southside Walmart has only one access, and no plans for more

  1. STIP planning meetings are held every year in various locations – well publicized in advance. I have attended several in SF over the past few years. There is ALWAYS one scheduled for SF. Usually held at Ramkota – well attended. In addition they are held – again well in advance and well publicized – in any smaller community directly impacted. Recent example: At least 3 public meetings on widening Lincoln County 116 (the “Klondike” road) were held more than a year in advance – this was after at least two years of STIP meetings in which it was listed.

  2. SD 115 widening has been in discussion (public) for several years. This was already a well-discussed process TWO YEARS AGO – as relayed to me by a resident of SD District 6 with property along 115 during the state house campaigns then. Just a reminder Planning doesnlt happen at the last minute. It is a LONG process – all framed within a 15-20 year period. IF you REALLY want to have an impact/influence these projects – you need to get involved at least a DECADE before they come to fruition. That is IF you are really serious.

  3. Enough of shape places and legacy of MMM on September 15, 2014 at 2:41 pm said:

    Wonder why the city didn’t do the work on cliff expansion from 62nd to 69 or 72nd this year and low and behold they didn’t asphalt the detour they promised the state. No wonder dot put it off for a couple more years. Maybe because the plat fees were never collected as posted by southdacola. Talk about a lack of planning by the city. So if it’s a long process how did planning pop 2035 planning and shape places bs in 2010 after rs built in twin eagles up to 85th and praire hills built up to 85th I guess all we get are word play stories from city planners If Sioux Falls Christian had to be protected at 69and cliff why are 3 new Harrisburg schools treated like crap in this zoning process and limited streets will be a safety concern more so than cliff and 69th

  4. That’s because SF Christian is a private school and their kids shouldn’t have to look at Walmartians. But those public school hillbillies from Harrisburg? They love them’s some Walmart.

  5. enough of Shape Places and MMM legacy on September 15, 2014 at 7:44 pm said:

    The South in this case is a melting pot of many types of people. Just looking to have a nice place to live and raise a family. Why did our idiot mayor have to cow tow to the developers and the BS from our own Jeff Schmitt and Mike Cooper about Shape PLaces etc etc. Its been such a sham, look around town and look at the chaos they have provided but Not free of charge. I will Not eat grits and be a hillbilly, maybe I will if I get an EBT card and have it refilled monthly. Why not Opie

  6. Another good example of SF planning, or lack there of, for adequate roads to handle expansion.

  7. Dan Daily on September 16, 2014 at 11:18 am said:

    City planning is not thinking outside the box. In this case, the box store.

  8. Each of the school boards (private and public) knew of the plans for SD 100 IN ADVANCE of PURCHASING the properties they decided to purchase for their schools. The DOT and City aren’t dictating to those districts whereto pout their schools. Maybe one of the property owners (school board) is a little SMARTER than the other one??? Maybe they actually did their due diligence BEFORE they decided what property to purchase and where to build – unlike some folks (SON/SYN). Ever think of that?

  9. Hey – “enough” (Dan)!! If you’re lookin’ to larn sumn’ ’bout hill billy culture/attitude – this board right here is an excellkent place to get a good close look at it. Every day – every topic.

  10. Enough of shape places and legacy of MMM on September 16, 2014 at 1:51 pm said:

    Hi ruf

    We all knew 100
    was coming. It’s the rezone
    by a bunch of greedy goofs like mmm who learned to rezone one day and again the next day.
    And not follow sane zoning ordinances that Euclid zoning brought to people.
    And worked for years. So we all saw old city plans we saw a cool area being built. We didn’t see educated people lying their butts off for developers and greed. We are educated now and an idiot would build within 3miles of Sioux Falls. The nice thing for me is I don’t shop at walmart anymore and never will. I like Lewis drugs fareway and hyvee. I don’t like how Wally World treats it’s workers and even more don’t like the fact they tell workers how to get welfare. What a great greedy neighbor to have. At the rate mmm is spending on entertainment I’ll probably be in line for an ebt card. I ll be a burden just like mmm is a burden to us all

  11. Titleist on September 16, 2014 at 7:16 pm said:

    Wal-Mart is simply acting in its’ own interests in the free economic market. It is not the Mayor’s “fault.” There is no fault to be determined in as much as Wal-Mart wants to build on the south side. If you don’t shop at Wal-Mart it will not notice. It will have thousands of shoppers everyday purchasing its’ goods because of the convenience of its’ location on the south side.

    Conversely, when you build your house on a busy intersection don’t be surprised when later, business follows the major arterial roads. Consider the private homes built on Minnesota Avenue, 12th Street, 41st Street, etc. That is the risk the homebuilders on the south side (including Audie) also took. No one forced them to build there.

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