South DaCola

Those Ugly, Hideous, Scary looking Solar Panels


The anti-green energy folks are rearing their UGLY heads again with the tired old argument about how a solar panel looks;

“We live out of Sioux Falls, but we’re still close enough to Sioux Falls so you pay for that when you move out here. To sell this house after that goes up, I don’t think anybody else wants to look at that.” Jana Peterson said.

No Jana, you don’t want to look at it. It’s solar panels, they make no noise and are almost completely motionless, and as Geronimo energy has pointed out, there will be a cornfield around them, so in some parts of the year, you won’t even see them, and besides, what if you do have to look at them? What is so ugly about solar panels? Seriously?! Studies have also shown solar farms don’t reduce property values. But, But, But, I’m not getting anything from it . . .

“It’s not going to make a difference on us, we’re on Southeastern Electric out here. It’s not going to help us, so why do we have to look at it to help their energy bills,” Peterson said.

Actually you are wrong, the more green energy we use it benefits us all by helping our environment.

Please people, get over your anti-global warming, anti-green energy rhetoric. Green energy is the smart way to go. I much rather live next to a solar farm or a wind turbine then a coal plant.

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