Love about towards the end of the video, Archie pretty much explains why I am an Indy and Edith explains why I am a Liberal. This show was really ahead of their times.


By l3wis

4 thoughts on “An Archie Bunker Break”
  1. I remember a 60 Minutes interview, many years ago, with Norman Lear, the writer and producer of this show “All in the Family.” The reporter doing the piece asked Lear why this show was so popular. Lear said, to paraphrase him, it was popular because there is a little bit of Archie Bunker in us all…. and I am afraid he was and is still right…..

  2. I’m independent party. Mostly because I want the liberty to vote my way. I often vote Democrat but have voted Republican. There’s also the Constitutional party. They seem reclusive and lack members.

    Archie represented the times. His character was funny yet sad. Unfortunately, Sioux Falls is still lots of Archy. Citizens minds are what they’re told to believe. They can’t perceive what’s happened to local democracy and how a few billionaires now own us.

  3. funny archie going on about the democrats, when he was a teamster dock worker. i’m sure archie hated what reagan did to the unions later on.

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