
Looks like the Republican tracker has borrowed some of his dining habits from Whopper and Whopper Jr. only thing that is missing is a cigarette hanging from his mouth.

7 Thoughts on “Big Wheel

  1. Wagon Wheel on October 8, 2014 at 4:18 am said:

    For a guy who claims to have no money why do I see his smug mug on TV every 3rd commercial?

    That, and where’s his repudiation of this? This guy is “for sale” just like the rest.


  2. anonymous on October 8, 2014 at 6:13 am said:

    Rick Wieland…..Big Mistake!

    This guy is a phony.

    Talks about not being involved with big money and it’s revealed yesterday that a Super Pac is investing a million dollars in advertising for his campaign.

    And, in one of his most recent commercials he finally talks about owning one of the most exclusive restaurants in SF….. you know, the one most people can’t afford to eat at (Parker’s on Main Avenue).

    But, as he says, he’s just a regular guy……

    My Independent vote is for Larry Pressler.

    *FYI (KSFY reported this morning that if Rick Wieland were not in the race Larry Pressler would be beating Mike Rounds by 15%)

  3. Well anon, I find it a little funny that the two guys in the lead, one is a crook and the other has serious memory loss issues. Watch the 100 Eyes episode with him. He talks about lasers, AK-47’s and has to have Lalley tell him whether he is pro-life or pro-choice. He has been having way too many ‘senior moments’. As for Weiland, probably not the best pick, but when compared to the other two, pretty easy choice.

    BTW, speaking of Rick, where the Hell has Daschle been? Why isn’t here campaigning his ass off for him?

  4. Johnny Roastbeef on October 8, 2014 at 8:44 am said:

    Isn’t it weird that when Steve Kirby was going to run against Johnson, and a local blog reported about him and took pictures outside his house it was “Creepy” stalker type tactics.

    But when the Republicans do it it’s politics as usual?

    Funny how that works.

  5. Every Campaign does it on October 8, 2014 at 10:16 am said:

    Every Campaign does it or so they say. Bull sh*t. We have a major crook insurance agent who constantly has memory issues and a senior citizen who built a political career on his memory issues. Then we have a candidate with long memory on how politics can work for others if he can just get past all the people and organizations out to destroy his message.

    So in a modern Citizens United world, an outside group joins the battle to help the underdog with a long memory and we are supposed to be upset someone wants to help the underdog?

    The well financed by insider groupie is falling under the weight of all the scandals surrounding him and we worry about a person who has a restaurant most in Sioux Falls would not eat in if they could afford it. Go figure.

    Get your stories straight. Larry worked with Ronnie Reagan to destroy the very rules put into place to protect our rights to information. He allowed the telecommunications industry to fall apart before our very eyes. He even helped in the destruction of the airline industry under our gaze. He assisted Bill Clinton in the remake of the financial industry to give us unregulated economics and monster financial crashes.

    So give me more pious pronouncements. Do we want one of the wishee washee has-beens who should have never been or someone who is actually trying to win an election and possibly help us?

    I never under-estimate the simple mindedness of modern voters.

    Oh please master can you whip me one more time so I remember what it feels like?

  6. Dan Daily on October 8, 2014 at 10:31 am said:

    I’ll vote for Weiland cause Rounds can’t sing. If he’s elected, they’ll be in Washington and it could be possible to get a reservation at their restaurant.

  7. Rounds announced over a year ago he was raising $9M. He had his chance to step back and reconsider his financial ethics, like he has had a chance to public debates, and had a chance to come clean for over a year on EB5, but has turned his back on each. As for the money Weiland got, Rounds set the standard requiring any serious opponent to step out of the election or step up to win. The PAC giving money to Weiland is also giving money to republicans who are accepting it and there’s a big difference between Rounds’ $9M and $1M. Now if you don’t like Weiland’s music, I think it’s clever and he’s got Rounds dead to right.

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