And now it is grounded.

City staff thought a drone would take Sioux Falls parks and construction projects to new heights, but plans have been put on hold until the federal government issues new rules for the devices.

The city of Sioux Falls purchased a $1,200 drone this summer.

While the stories have been circulating around the country and the region that the FAA is grounding these devices all over the country until they can devise some rules for their usage, apparently no one at the city’s central services office thought to do a little research before purchasing one.

When I saw they were using it in CityLink shows, I wondered how long before the FAA would ground the device. It’s one thing that the city is using tax dollars to purchase a toy, it is another thing that they didn’t do a little research on whether they were legal before buying it and using it. They just couldn’t wait to take video of the Events Center with their new tax payer funded ‘toy’.

Hopefully the FAA rules will be specific about their usage, I can just see SF Code Enforcement using the drones to snap pictures of people’s fenced in yards, if they haven’t already.

18 Thoughts on “City buys $1,200 drone before checking FAA rules

  1. Poly43 on October 7, 2014 at 3:05 pm said:

    Really curious to know how the parks department could find a drone useful. Other than mounting it with cameras and a calipers for measuring how tall our grass is, what can a drone be useful for. They are a gigantic fail in my estimation.

  2. This is absolutely the best example of government buying shit we don’t need. Call anyone of the many RC airplane clubs and you’ll find many folks willing to take some video’s for you.

    “We” the taxpayers not only paid for a toy but have been paying people to play with it. The park department folks are lucky I’m not a city councilor, because shit would get ugly at the next city meeting.

  3. Enough of shape places and mmm legacy on October 7, 2014 at 6:24 pm said:

    The cities GIS mapping and google street is plenty adequate without getting into invasion of privacy issues with the fed. It should be returned or a ratification hearing to see who signed the po and why it was bought and why bought is a bigger issue. Spying on taxpayers is BS unless our city planners are needing revenue raising methods. Gees Bruce you pissed them off. Maybe they are growing pot and need to check on yields in areas where rmb and mmm have land. How come the don’t share??? lol

  4. Winston on October 8, 2014 at 12:06 am said:

    It sure would be handy for code enforcement

  5. Oknor57 on October 8, 2014 at 5:53 am said:

    This drone can be very helpful in many aspects of a progressive city that triple Ms and T denny has purchased. 1-traffic flow/control at Sanford, which one you ask? The hospital, sports complex or event center? This toy is quick and should be able to handle all three! 2- spotting potholes from the sky is another great use, I was told that these will be on the increase since we have less money for street repairs. 3-promote the falls flying it from the park up to our great new city’s arch that’s in the making! Endless possibilities with this and a bargain at $1200! With the growth and progression of Sioux Falls and the wisdom of MMM, should have purchased a half a dozen!

  6. Well, Kermit asked the question yesterday at the informational to Jeffry Malt-Schmiddt, “Will the drones be used for code enforcement.” Jeff said his department would “Absolutely NOT” be using them in the future. Thanks for getting that on the record Jeff, though like most promises from Jeff’s mouth, it doesn’t mean a hill of beans.

  7. Dan Daily on October 8, 2014 at 10:01 am said:

    It’s about time the city focuses on outdoor sports. We need practice before opening day of pheasant season.

  8. Dan Daily on October 8, 2014 at 10:15 am said:

    Seriously, I tested one for my business. The frequency band is unlicensed and saturated in metro areas. It’ll be flying as instructed then suddenly get a mind of its own. City liability issues?
    On the other hand, take control of it till it gets downtown and gives the mayor a crewcut.

  9. anominous on October 8, 2014 at 3:58 pm said:

    If I see this thing come near my property I’m going after it with 2 cans of sillystring.

  10. Jeff Barth on October 9, 2014 at 12:26 am said:

    Twice I saw a drone hovering at the Sioux Empire Fair this year. Nobody at the county seems to know anything about it. Was that the City drone?

  11. The city owning a drone scares me more and more everyday.

  12. First off, the title is misleading. There are no clear rules regarding drones so there were no rules to check. It was bought for photos and videos and I have to say they can take some damn good ones that make this city look beautiful in promotions alone. Total bargain for $1,000.

    The radio band problem is easily solved via a simple mod with the model they own.

    Also, The drone at the fair was privately owned.

  13. I know of several drones last year that were grounded after the FAA notified the owners. It has been well known for quite awhile that the FAA has been re-tooling the rules, and another government agency like SF municipal government should have known better before purchasing and using the device. Also, as councilor Staggers pointed out, the city council needs to establish some rules on it’s usage.

  14. One could argue that these things aren’t “drones”. They are nothing more than an RC helicopter. Calling them a “Quadricopter” would seem more fitting for the city’s device.

  15. Marty, don’t quote me on this, because I am pulling it out of my butt, but my educated guess is that since the RC copter serves a purpose (video recording camera surveillance) is what makes it a ‘drone’ VS. a ‘toy’

  16. Liz is proof there always a moron at the ready to defend the actions of other morons.

  17. LJL maybe you should do more reading as a private citizen there are no laws on drone use.
    There are RECOMENDATIONS by the FAA not to be confused with laws.

    However this is only again recommendations and has no legal bite as proven by both cases the FAA has brought to court and lost.

    Even there interpretation of no commercial use has been shot down in court. Which is why you see them being used in everything on tv from commercials to tv programs. Yes there will be rules and guidelines in the future but for now its open season.

  18. victum on March 12, 2016 at 8:03 am said:

    Mayor Puether and his ” Premier City Of Poo Falls has been known for many years to be a city that prides its self on cleanlieness. So I had my staff buy a drone so that we could check up on properties in the city. Enforcing more money from the pockets of the people who are sick injured crippled and down on their luck. A job the mayor knows all to well this his premier opportunity. The mayor is here to help not to fine people and make it hardet on them he states in a article in the rapid city news paper December of 13. We the poor, week, ill, handycapped, and unfortunately down on luck would like you to clean up your mess at the poo river. We have to fix our problems and you pay fines to not fix youes. We would like to name the project “Huethers big poo water slide and use zoning fines to continue to keep Sioux Falls a city that prides itself on cleanlyness. After all “Even Huethers poops here” does he add to the stink he thinks not. Sioux falls one premier example of what the city does with their $#1+ is pass the blame down the river. Yes indeed a drone that was to be the golden opportunity for the next million dollar enterprise city ordanances. Hithler was droning at the mouth and couldn’t wait to have the funding for a project named for himself. Huethers big poo water slides taking the trash out of sioux falls. I guess this is one more premier example that Mike is the $#!+ and he doesn’t even smell it.

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