IMAGE: Argus Leader Media video screenshot
That’s right folks, this is what our Principal Traffic Engineer’s desk looks like. I would think a traffic engineer (the head one) would be more organized? Guess not. And if anyone thinks I am being mean to this guy, I have been in he mayor’s office and his desk looks about the same.
I also thought municipalities had standards on how their desks should be organized.
I think the pink post it note above his computer says, “Reminder, Clean desk.”
I can hear Heath already, “I just haven’t had time to clean my desk, I have been helping Building Services enter building permits into the system.”

10 Thoughts on “May explain why traffic is such a mess in our city

  1. enough of Shape Places and MMM legacy on October 16, 2014 at 7:23 pm said:

    We’ll he didn’t do squat when Kimberly Horn had a disgraceful traffif report for the 85th and Walmart. There isn’t one damn area except for MMMs street that would not have an F grade for traffic mess. Didn’t have the balls to challenge the mayor or tell planning commission the truth about drainage and roads, did he. Thanks buddy

  2. Dan Daily on October 17, 2014 at 3:54 pm said:

    His job is technical. Nothing to do with drainage and he should take orders and be informed without becoming political. Compared to most cities, traffic moves well here. The lights seem properly timed and there’s editing when there’s an event on one side of town.

    One complaint I have is that lights at some intersections should not go to flashing stop one way but (yellow) proceed the other. Rural visitors don’t get it and cause accidents.

    A messy desk is characteristic for a technician. They should, most often, be in the field witnessing and investigating. Things get dropped on you and you’re not in the office long enough to handle everything. However, I bet he could find something if you asked him.

  3. Once again you assume it is a bad thing and nit pick. There are studies that indicate people with messy desks are more creative and productive. Maybe you should celebrate it. Very closed minded of you.

    The events center siding looks fine. Just more whining and nit picking from you.

  4. I actually thought it was funny. My studio in my basement if literally a f’ing disaster. My office at work is not. I don’t care if Heath wants to live in the Sanford and Son home on his private time, or if he wants to be ‘creative’ there. He manages the traffic of this town and can’t even take 2 minutes a day to clean his desk.

  5. Like I said nit picking again. Your constant criticism of things that don’t matter or as you say you thought was funny, but also that he should clean his desk just erodes your credibility. You don’t think the city should tell people how they can keep their yards, but it is appropriate for you to tell people how keep there desk. Oh the irony.

  6. Hey, dumbass, I pay their wages, the city doesn’t pay mine.

    That is the ENTIRE basis of the 1st Amendment, the very citizens that fund our government has the right to tell them what they need to do, not the other way around.

    Unless of course your enjoy bondage? Hey, I’m a Bettie Page fan also.

  7. anonymous on October 19, 2014 at 1:26 pm said:

    Me on 10.18.14 at 12:30 pm

    The events center siding looks fine.


  8. Name calling very articulate and mature. You are just further eroding you credibility.

    Pretty sure I also pay taxes and think it is just fine. I guess you can respect my 1st amendment rights also or simply not post comments which offend you.

    Mr Daily even says it doesn’t matter.

    Yes the siding does look fine. If it’s not a safety issue, leave it alone. If it isn’t up to specs, take the liquidated damages and bring in some concerts with cash.

  9. Taxpayer on October 19, 2014 at 9:05 pm said:


    Yes the siding does look fine. If it’s not a safety issue, leave it alone. If it isn’t up to specs, take the liquidated damages and bring in some concerts with cash.

    Me, you sound very well-informed……!!!!

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