You ain’t kidding the Planning Commission doesn’t have a clue. Just do what Sanford, Lloyd and Jeffy Schmidt tells us to do, and crush the little people, they don’t matter.


6 Thoughts on “Planning Meeting Meltdown

  1. My Mistake Mike on October 2, 2014 at 2:57 pm said:

    Sigh … The People’s Republic of Sioux Falls.

    Thanks for sharing. Great exchange!

  2. Dan Daily on October 2, 2014 at 4:35 pm said:

    Another plaintiff for a federal discrimination case.

    The city gains here. She’ll never get what her property is worth because this puts a cloud on title. Sanford and the city can seize it for pennies with eminent domain. When incorporated into Sanford, no real estate taxes (institutional). The county loses it’s portion. However, the city gains from sales tax on health services as Sanford expands.

  3. rufusx on October 2, 2014 at 7:17 pm said:

    Dan – Pennies on the dollar is NOT how eminent domain work. Neither is condemnation for private acquisition.

  4. speaking of planning in our fair city…Check out the slick new DT map covering the utility box at 10th and Phillips in front of Copper Lounge. The way they put up the map would have a visitor thinking 10th street is Phillips. Also, On the north side of the box it has an arrow pointing east to Fawick park. Probably shouldn’t have done that on a one way street for west bound traffic.

  5. rufusx on October 4, 2014 at 11:14 am said:

    Hey James – that’s not a “planning” issue – that’s a street department issue.

    You ought to get a scorecard – with players names and positions – then your attitude could be properly focused

  6. SF Resident on October 5, 2014 at 1:48 pm said:

    I watched a replay of this meeting.

    One of the things I found disturbing was the SF Planning Commission Chair, Nicholas Sershen, kept referring to Sanford’s Director of Initiatives, Orlen Tschetter, as “OT”.

    I found this to be extremely unprofessional and raises the question…..Just how cozy is the relationship between a Sanford Director and the Chair of the SF Planning Commission!!?

    Then, I believe Planning Commissioner, Kurt Johnson, was heard to exclaim, “WOW,” at the end of this citizen’s testimony.

    Mr. Johnson, if you can’t handle the heat of public testimony maybe you are NOT qualified for public service.

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