
I know I have posted about this before, thinking it may be some kind of digital signage stand, but now it is some kind of tribute to bad outdoor lighting, concrete and South Dakota. Not sure whose property this is, but have been told it is the city’s property.

Please explain your art project.

By l3wis

10 thoughts on “What is this?”
  1. “What is this?”

    Ironic…Thats exactly what I say when I see your art work.

    It’s for a new artsy fartsy sign.

  2. Skate board park. You will need one hell of a set of skid plates and a big mmm mighty bully motor to get to the other side

  3. My wife and I were asking each other the same thing last week when we drove by this. She was particularly puzzled being an art major and much more critical of these sorts of things than myself. I’m not a great judge of this sort of thing, but even I thought this pretty underwhelming and confusing. We were particularly befuddled by the stone that simply says “South Dakota”. I told her it should instead say “You are now entering the Sports and Entertainment District! (referred to as an industrial park in any other community)”.

  4. Just another way to waste city budget on a developer and steer a non-competitive bid to a contractor that pays kickbacks.

    Ask 3-M at the next L&L? If you’re unemployed, it’s the best way to get 3 squares and a cot for ‘public nuisance’.

  5. The city must provide these places for gang tags and graffiti. They’re citizens too. Then they can justify cameras here.

  6. I thought the metal curved poles were wiring for soon to be planted lightpoles? And what’s with all the sod, plants and sprinklers all along that strip? Sure, it looks ‘purty’ but how many thousands are we going to spend every summer on maintaining those plants and watering that strip on W. Russell?

  7. I think it is the foundation for yet another statue and tribute to our own fee harvesting king, otherwise known as t denny. The site for the tribute at the pentagon looked much the same til the statue was erected.

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