I just got word from someone close to the project/SON neighborhood that WM may have pulled their building permit due to a National review of sales and restructuring of the company.

If it is true, I want to congratulate the SON neighborhood for winning their fight!!

UPDATE 1: Just got word that this is still a rumor and city hall is not confirming or denying at this point. It may be a ‘game’ WM is playing to circumvent some zoning changes.

UPDATE 2: Now Walmart is claiming things are ‘On Hold‘.

12 Thoughts on “UPDATE: Breaking; Did Walmart pull their Southside building permit?

  1. teatime on November 18, 2014 at 1:30 pm said:

    Well, that rocks!

  2. Dan Daily on November 18, 2014 at 8:16 pm said:

    The new Walfart at Marion & I-90 has more employees than customers. Sioux Falls doesn’t need 4 Walfarts. SON saved their neighborhood and Walfart from themselves.

  3. teatime on November 18, 2014 at 9:55 pm said:

    If they are postponing, why would they cancel the building permit? They would just have to start over and that takes $. Unless, of course, they are going to choose another location.

  4. Post number two is spot on. Whoever did Walmarts initial market analysis gets a gigantic fail.

  5. Big Guy on November 19, 2014 at 4:06 am said:

    I am hoping Wally World won’t build down south but I fear it will happen. I suspect it may likely be bit smaller, not a super center, more the size of what it used to be a couple decades ago. I read somewhere a while ago that Wally was talking about planning to scale back a bit and shift some of their focus more to online sales.

  6. tara volesky on November 19, 2014 at 8:38 am said:

    How about a Trader Joes instead.

  7. Walmarts (and other big box stores, in general) are short-term winners and long-term losers for cities. They provide a big infusion of tax base early on, but they age poorly and saddle communities with long-term infrastructure maintenance obligations.

    Good news!

  8. Dan D & Poly — so right!

  9. The shut down/re-building of SD 19 has had a big impact on N side Walmart – IMO.

    As to who’s playing games…….


  10. hornguy on November 19, 2014 at 9:43 pm said:

    Well, there’s not much to do during winter and they’ve waited this long so what’s another six months?

    But I do wonder if there’s a connection between them waiting a bit and this talk that has emerged about finally getting some movement on an interchange at I-29 and 85th? Sure, it’d mean Walmart waiting another 4-5 years, but I’m guessing to them they’d rather get the long-term location right than rush to get something put up.

  11. Future growth of SF population center is to the South and EAST, which SD 100 will service – NOT toward the 85th/29 area.

  12. Walmart won’t build there because they sold out to a company that wants to build a nice, galleria shopping center in the same place to placate the rich folks who live in the area.

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