South DaCola

Minnehaha County just finishes counting votes

That was at about 9:15 AM. How sad is it that the County buys brand new vote tabulation machines that cost $100K each and they just finish counting. I guess the problem was that the new machines wouldn’t count ballots that had comments or spills on them, it would spit them out. There was a ton of votes that had to go through the resolution board. But hey, does it matter, the National Press called the election at 8 PM last night.

As I assumed it was a clean sweep for the Republicans, the Dems in this state really need to get their poop in a group.

Their was some positives though. The Dems had a great victory with the Minimum Wage increase, and I will give Zach Crago credit on that, it’s just too bad he failed on party work.

Some other people had awesome victories last night.

Jeff Barth, Joni Cutler, John Pekas, Karen Soli all won.

I told Rick Weiland last night he ran the best campaign I have ever seen in years. You could tell that Rick was very proud of his campaign, and even if he lost, he should not have any regrets. None.

Now we will wait for our NEW senator to be indicted. Wanna make any bets on how long the Feds will wait?

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