Councilor Kermit L. Staggers gave a presentation on the conference that he attended in Denver, Colorado, in September. He shares a ton of great information about modern public transportation. The review focused on three key presentations. He was assisted by Elijah Byrd, his grandson, who was instrumental in preparing the presentation.

Wonder if the ‘Austin Texas Four’ (councilors) are going to do a presentation on their trip, where it required four of them to attend. I also don’t remember the council voting on authorizing that trip, or heck, even a mention of it.

Love all the questions they asked Kermit after his presentation. I guess it was so thorough, no questions were required 🙂


9 Thoughts on “American Dream Conference

  1. Another video that is not captioned. 🙁

    What are some of the highlights of his presentation?

  2. Jeni, are the speakers on your computer broke 🙁

  3. My Mistake Mike on December 4, 2014 at 2:03 pm said:

    We sent FOUR to the National League of Cities conference?!? Isn’t that a quorum?

    I wonder who will share this presentation:
    Austin Duck Adventures Tour
    Date: Friday, November 21, 3:30 PM – 5:15 PM
    “Have you ever wondered what it would be like to take a tour on an amphibious bus? NOW IS YOUR CHANCE! The Duck Adventures tour is a FUN 90 minute tour of downtown Austin and Lake Austin.”

  4. Jeni, I was also going to say, now that I am thinking about it, those who do not have speakers or are hearing impaired, I think YouTube has a captioning application. I am having my video dude look into it, and hope to include captioning on future videos.

  5. MMM – Yup, that is why there was only 4 councilors a few weeks back at the meeting (I call them the bad kids club).

  6. Dan Daily on December 4, 2014 at 4:36 pm said:

    Did the 4 have visas to enter a city that’s democracy? We need TSA at the city limits to stop them from escaping the Iron Curtain.

  7. Dan Daily on December 4, 2014 at 4:59 pm said:

    We need more councilors like Staggers. He comes back from a conference with subjective content instead of a tan and tex-mex indigestion.

    Denver has become a major success story. They’re known for recreation and business vitality (primarily transportation). They’re the successful marijuana commerce experiment. Sioux Falls is owned by a few billionaires. It’s not democracy. Entrepeneurs seek other environments where they can grow without having to bribe politicians and developers.

    Most of Staggers presentation was concerning transportation. It will be a big surprise when most public transportation here is replaced by Uber.

  8. Videos that are captioned have a CC symbol in the menu bar to indicate “Closed Captioned.” This video does not have the CC code, and I tried to find other ways to try to find any captioning. I could not find it, if there is captioning.

    Yes, I am hearing impaired.

    Thank you for checking into the captioning for future videos.

  9. Dan Daily on December 6, 2014 at 11:07 am said:

    Part of Staggers presentation was about remodeling Union terminal in Denver.

    FYI, there’s a train from there to Winter Park CO that winds through the mountains and is through 26 tunnels. In winter, it’s for skiers. In summer, it’s for mountain bikers. Cheap trip and beautiful. I highly recommend it.

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