South DaCola

Doug Lund outs Argus reporters that were ‘let go’

Well, I guess Doug is a lot more courageous then I for releasing the names;

I want you to note in particular the lack of any feeling whatsoever by he or his toadies after having just had so many of their long time colleagues like Joel  Brown, Janna Farley, Jon Walker, Peter Harriman, Ron Hoffman, Doreen Weinstein and others  unceremoniously “streamlined” right out the door. But, hell..that’s their business not mine.

I have known the ‘long list’ for awhile, and really didn’t think it was appropriate to rub it in, but I think Lalley over reacts to the post that is chiding him for acting like they provide a better product then the TV news stations.


I don’t really care if you like me or what I say. That’s not why I’m responding here. But I think you should probably have more consideration for the people who are no longer working here. You don’t know the circumstances of each case, and I don’t expect you to, but I would think that if you have the respect for these folks that you suggest perhaps “outing” them isn’t the best idea you ever had.

Actually, the reporters who weren’t ‘re-hired’ (whatever that means) have been speaking to a lot of people about what has happened to them. Heck, a week ago the County Commission recogonized Pete Harriman for his years of service to the Argus.

As for the initial intent of Doug’s post, it’s not that the Argus product is better, it is just completely different. TV will never be a newspaper, and a newspaper will never be TV. Just look at the AL’s attempt at video broadcasting, shows often start late, or not at all, and since they use an outside service to host the videos, they often crash or don’t work properly. I can only recall twice when the KELO website wasn’t working, and it was down for maintenance.

Apples and Oranges, not just in the newsroom or online, but probably how their HR departments handle employment.

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