Reminds me of the time I was in the back of a cruiser, handcuffed, and AFTER the officer read me my miranda rights he says to me, “May I ask you some further questions?” and I said, “Well, unless there is an attorney sitting next to me in the back seat, no you cannot.” He grunted, and put the car in drive and never spoke to me again. The funny part about it was, he whipped out a list of questions before he asked me that initial question. I knew where this was going. Entrapment.


2 Thoughts on “Know your Constitutional rights

  1. Dan Daily on December 7, 2014 at 1:08 pm said:

    I suggest everyone go the ‘Flex Your Rights’ website. You must educate yourself. There’s recent proof from around the country that police do not respect your civil rights. From experience, Sioux Falls is not bad but worse than other cities. There’s no internal affairs section and no working method for city employee complaints.

    Fundamentally, do not cooperate with police. Never allow a search. They’ll ‘find’ things they brought that become discovered in your possession. Never answer questions or offer information. They’ll turn it around against you or another innocent party. Stay put. Keep hands on the wheel or in the air. It’s becoming the universal sign you’ll not talk without council. Ask “Am I free to go?” when they have no direction. Otherwise; say nothing except your name, rank, and serial number. Civil strife is becoming a civil war. Let’s be peaceful while peace lasts. It’s sad when police consider themselves above the law. When their actions are more like Gestapo, it’s what you must do.

  2. Uh, it’s “counsel”. Tinfoil should help.

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