South DaCola

Surprise! Surprise!

In an amazing revelation (not really) the Sioux Falls School Board is going to keep the search for the Super – Super, Super secret;

Residents won’t know who will replace outgoing Sioux Falls School District Superintendent Pam Homan until this spring, when officials announce the new hire.

Of course, this is no surprise, this city and state lack transparency on all levels. Heck, the School District can’t even tell us the suggested names for new schools. It is really sad that a public education organization that takes our property taxes to fund them has to be so ultra secretive. It is a BAD example to the students. They are saying it is OKAY to make important decisions for taxpayers behind closed doors.

Shame on the Sioux Falls School Board.

Board member Doug Morrison said he would prefer to respect the privacy of the candidates who are applying for the position.

“I don’t know if there’s any advantage for us to release the names,” Morrison said.

C’mon Doug, this is a VERY PUBLIC job, I think the applicants know that. If they are unwilling to give their name to the public before getting hired, then they shouldn’t be applying in my opinion.

Keeping interviews closed to the very end could potentially increase the pool of applicants, Thoelke said.

“That really jeopardizes a guy’s job when he goes back home,” Thoelke said. “I would hope the public would be more interested in getting quality candidates than being involved in the final three.”

We are interested in QUALITY candidates, and that starts with letting the public also vet the candidates. Besides, if they are looking for a different job, they should be honest with their current employer and let them know they are applying for another job. Like I said above, this is a PUBLIC job, not private sector. The selection process should be PUBLIC!

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