New phone survey on SF politics & Walmart


A new phone survey has been running about building the Walmart at 85th and Minnesota. I haven’t heard the survey myself, but here is the gist;

• Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion on the proposed Walmart at 85th & Minnesota?(sic)

It was followed by a specific question.

• Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion about Mayor Huether?(sic)

It was followed by a specific question.

• Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion about councilor Greg Jamison?(sic)

It was followed by a specific question.

• Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion about the city council?(sic)

It was followed by a specific question.

• Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion about Bonita Schwan (SON organizer and council candidate)?(sic)

It was followed by a specific question.

• Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion about Dana Palmer (SON organizer)?(sic)

It was followed by a specific question.

I don’t know all the specifics of the follow-up questions, and I certainly don’t know who is conducting the survey (though I do have my guesses) but if anyone gets the survey and would like to help me fill in further blanks, that would be great.

What surprises me the most is the question about Dana Palmer (a private citizen). They used to pull this crap with Stehly. It is one thing to be running for office, it is entirely something else to be organizing a petition drive. Doesn’t matter if you agree or disagree with Palmer, if she is not running for office, and is working in her best interests as a private citizen, it should be hands off. Of course, that’s not how it rolls in this town, anybody who questions the kingdom’s court decisions shall be tarred and feathered, even though, we both know, it should be the other way around.

What’s up with the ‘Sanford Frontiers’ ?


Hey kids! Let’s play ball while your parents are drinking!

This came to my attention yesterday while I was reading the Planning Commission’s agenda (Item# 13)

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While I don’t debate the Pentagon having adult beverages at the facility, I wondered why this needed to be hidden under the cover of another organization, called the ‘Sanford Frontiers’. According to this SFBJ article in September;

Pulling it together is Sanford Frontiers, a wholly owned component of Sanford Health incorporated as a nonprofit earlier this year.

Sanford Frontiers was created primarily to help the health system’s researchers bring their work to the marketplace, but its duties are broader than that. President Rich Adcock and his small staff also are tasked with facilitating certain property development, namely the sports complex near Benson Road and Westport Avenue.

They also play the ‘poor non-profit’ card;

Sanford hopes to break even, White said.

“Our overall goal on the entire complex is to just cash flow,” he said. “If we could get to that point, we’d consider it a success.”

While Sanford Health and Sanford Frontiers are nonprofits, that doesn’t mean the property involved in the complex is tax-exempt. Sanford likely will pay property taxes on all of it, said Kyle Helseth, director of equalization for Minnehaha County.

Sanford hopes to break even?! BAHHAHAHAHA! Is this just a way for Sanford to say that while all other hospitality industries in SF have to pay on the altar of entertainment taxes, we are doing this for the common good? As for the property tax statement, why not mention the almost $10 million in TIF rebates?

But what I want to know is why Sanford Health, and the Sports Complex want to create an entirely different entity? So they are not associated with greasy franchise restaurants and alcohol consumption? Or to hide profits? It’s certainly curious, and something I don’t fully understand, but if Kelby and T. Denny are involved with Lloyd, Huether and Smith, ‘Roses’ are not the smell I am getting for the public.

This week’s SF city council consent agenda




Before I get into specifics about these agenda items (CC Item#1) I want to say, that when IMPORTANT items as these come up, they shouldn’t be hidden in the consent, they should be talked about and debated on their own fruition. Hopefully, councilor Staggers will pull them out.

I have ‘mixed’ feelings about each item;

While I am all for funding community art programs, I would like to see a programming plan from the SF Arts Council. I would also like to know why the Sioux Empire Arts Council was disbanded, the Horse Barn mothballed and the newly formed Arts Council split from the Pavilion. Before we hand another check to the organization, I would like to have explanations to these questions.

As for the market analysis of Downtown, while I do see some obligation by the city to review this, I am wondering why out of the over 1,000 city employees, and several citizen committees, that the city can’t pull a team together internally to do this analysis? The dirty little secret about the city is that while they have highly paid professionals working for them* they spend millions each year on consultants. It’s silly and certainly not a PRUDENT way to spend taxpayer money.

With the recent controversy about the Salvation Army’s discrimination allegations, I think the city should review a better contractor for a warming site.

*Three of the highest paid city employees are dentists that work at the public health clinic. Two of them are #2 & #3 on the list. While I am all for the public health clinic, I find it a bit ironic the city spends almost $500,000 a year on dentist salaries but can’t justify trimming trees in the boulevard because they don’t have the ‘funds’ or ‘staff’. I guess pulling teeth is more important then the arbor health of the city.

How has Minnehaha County Auditor Bob Litz’s attendance been?


I can’t speak for Mr. Litz, because I don’t work in the county administration office. But several people who do, say that they don’t see much ‘office time’ by Mr. Litz. There are plans for the auditor’s office to hire another employee. I can’t find the specifics of that position, but I was told that it was a ‘finance’ manager.

Now, I am not going to rail on Litz about perfect attendance, because I don’t know all the details (but if someone does, please forward it to me) but I would like to give some advice;

1) When you are you are an elected official who manages a very important department for the county, my advice would to at least put in 40 hours a week in that office. With the long lines in the department across the hall from you, can you imagine if our county treasurer didn’t show up very often? You would have a VERY irate public.

2) Why are we considering hiring another manager for the auditor’s office when we can’t get it’s head honcho to show up?

If his attendance is an issue, Mr. Litz needs to realize that this isn’t like his private business, he works for the taxpayers now. Show up. Work. Thank You.

I would also like to give a H/T to the county for posting their meeting videos online. Not sure how long they have been doing this, but I have been doing catchup. The videos are a little grainy, but the audio is perfect, and unlike SIRE, when you push play, the meeting starts immediately. BRAVO!

Radical ideas to raise wages?


Image courtesy of the Center for Economic and Policy Research.

I found this interview with economist Dean Baker very interesting. I agree with him that in some cases, a tighter job market can increase pay, it just hasn’t happened yet in Sioux Falls. I think that the work ethic, people holding multiple jobs, high productivity and the wealthy and corporate interests hoarding their profits has contributed to the fact that wages haven’t increased ‘YET’ in Sioux Falls. Workers are starting to become ‘wise’ to the fact that their employers are doing better after the recession and I think if the minimum wage increase passes in November, you will see other sectors raising their wages also;

Baker: This is one of the main points that Jared and I wanted to emphasize in writing this book. For large segments of the workforce, their ability to get pay increases, to share in the benefits of economic growth, really depends on having a tight labor market. And what really opened our eyes on this was our experience in the late 1990s. Jared and I were both working here in Washington at the Economic Policy Institute. At that point, they thought around six percent unemployment was the best we could do. We got down to four and half percent, and then four percent as a year-round average. And then we saw real wage growth up and down the income ladder — even people at the bottom end of the labor force were actually seeing good real wage growth during that period. And the basic story was that in a tight labor market, there was an increase in demand for people to work as checkout clerks at Wal-Mart, or to work at McDonald’s. When there’s tight demand for those people then they’re in a position to actually get wage increases, and that’s what we saw in the late ’90s.

We’ve done a lot of work on this, and you can’t make that result go away. So in this sense, it’s not just the unemployed, or even the underemployed — underemployment is a big deal as well, because a lot of people at the bottom also don’t get as many hours as they want — but it’s also about people who do have a job getting more pay because they’re in a position to bid up their wages.

When you have tight labor markets, Wal-Mart’s going to have to pay people $15 dollars an hour. It’s not a question of them just being nice guys or anything. If they want workers, they’ll have to pay them $15 bucks an hour.

He also brings up the fact that many people are so happy to just have a job, that they will work for crumbs without complaining for a pay increase;

Holland: A few weeks ago, Ezra Klein wrote that inequality isn’t the defining economic issue of our time. He said underemployment and unemployment were, and that launched a big debate. So was that a false choice, if I understand what you’re saying now?

Baker: On my own blog I said it missed the issue to make them separate points, because a big chunk of the story with inequality is the fact that you have so much unemployment. And, again, the reason why people are working at Wal-Mart for $7.25 an hour is because they don’t have alternative employment.

It’s really kind of a striking — if you go back and look from ’38, when we first created the national minimum wage, the Fair Labor Standard Act, until 1968, the minimum wage actually tracked toward activity growth. It didn’t just increase with inflation. Workers at the bottom were getting their share of productivity growth, so they were sharing in the gains of growth over those three decades. If the minimum wage had continued to keep pace with productivity growth from ’68, when it was at its purchasing power peak, until the present, it’d be about $17 dollars an hour today. And it’s not that I think we could raise the minimum wage to $17 dollars per hour tomorrow and not effect employment. Of course it would. But the point is that we had an economy that could support jobs that paid the equivalent of $17 dollars an hour for the person working as a checkout clerk at Wal-Mart.

So you can have a much higher wage economy, and a big part of that story is having low rates of unemployment.

He also brings up a curious, radical approach, to increasing wages and spending by those wage earners-work less hours;

The last point is hugely important. We can control the number of hours people work. The thing people should realize is that the story of unemployment is actually a story of us being too rich. That sounds strange to people, because we know we have an awful lot of people who aren’t too rich and don’t have enough money. But the point is that we’re producing the things that we’re consuming. People for the most part have housing, they have food, they have medical care, and we still have somewhere around 10 percent of the workforce unemployed, underemployed, [or] out of the labor force altogether.

So, in effect, what’s happened is, because we’re so productive, we end up with a situation where we don’t have enough work for people. Rather than that being a source of poverty for those people who are unemployed or underemployed, wouldn’t it be much better if we all just worked fewer hours?

Now, it’s not that easy to get from here to there, but the comparison that we make in the book — and I think it’s worth people keeping in mind — is that if you look at Western Europe — Germany, France, the Netherlands, Denmark, pick a country in that list — they work about 20 percent fewer hours than we do in the United States on average. And if you just snapped your fingers and said, ‘okay, we all work 20 percent fewer hours, it would result in 20 percent more jobs.

Now, in the real world, it will never be that simple, but that’s more or less what we’re talking about. So, to my view, a great way of dealing with unemployment is encouraging people to work fewer hours. It’s a great way to increase employment, and also make people’s lives better. People value having paid vacation, they value having paid sick days when they’re not feeling well or they have a family member who’s not feeling well. They like paid family leave when they have newborn kids or an elderly family member they have to care for. So that’s a really good way to try to deal with the problem of not having enough jobs.

I like this last suggestion the most. I know after I changed my part-time job last month (I work half the part-time hours I did before, make just as much money at my new part-time job, and have my weekends entirely off) that I am happier, less stressed, not as tired, and way more creative. Imagine that, working less would actually help the economy, or at least make happier Americans.