Great Life Fitness, Tom Walsh, offer pennies on the dollar for Brandon’s municipal golf course

The big story at the Brandon city council meeting last night was when they revealed the bogus deal offered to them by Great Life Fitness. As they are going around gobbling up fitness centers and golf courses in the region, they seem to be doing it on the cheap.

Brandon wasn’t selling what Great Life wanted to buy.

Notice the interest from our Mayor and Public Works director. Great work by my SouthDaCola camera man, “Bob the Barracuda.”


Is our local media being negative about snowgates?

As you read different media outlets about snowgates, you will detect some pessimism about there usage;


Some say they worked great and made for easier snow removal over the weekend. Others say they’re still dealing with a big ridge of snow.


But some homeowners complained they weren’t very effective after yesterday’s snowfall and had to clear away some snow from their driveways.

After a friend of mine called Mark Cotter, the Director of Public Works today, he admitted that there is a ‘learning curve’ when it comes to the devices, and that some neighborhoods they missed some driveways. But he said he has received over 30 phone calls from people praising them and that they hardly had to remove any snow after they passed.

I figured this first snowfall there would be some shortfalls with them, but as they are used more, the drivers will get more proficient. It seems the biggest issue was that they don’t work, but they were not applied in some places.

So why is the media and public already whining they don’t work after only ONE real use in the entire city? Did you learn how to drive a car on your first spin around the neighborhood? Nope. And I don’t expect the snowplow operators to get down the devices on the first go around. Patience, Grasshopper, Patience.

Cotter plans to have a press conference today talking about them.

Argus Leader announces ‘Changes’

In the Sunday edition of the Argus, they finally made their ‘changes’ public. Well, somewhat.

They announced that they were going to hire some new people and some veterans were ‘leaving’.

While I will commend them for going public with the ‘changes’ that is not quite how it went down. Several reporters who re-applied for their jobs were NOT re-hired. Call it what you want, I call it layoffs. You won’t see anything immediate, but next month you will notice several veteran reporters will no longer be at the paper. I will keep those names to myself, but you will be able to figure it out.

They also re-titled some of the staff and management and are pushing for a bigger digital format. While that is all fine and dandy, I will tell you where the Argus is failing it’s readers and advertisers;

1) Get you freaking website to work. The videos continually crash or don’t work at all. Promised press conferences or shows get canceled or just stop working in the middle of them. If you want to have a larger digital presence, I suggest you learn how to go ‘digital’.

2) Stop charging for the online content. There is a reason why Stormland TV has the #1 news website in the state, they charge their advertisers, not their readers. While I will admit, the journalists at the Argus are of better quality then Stormland, people are really not willing to pay for online news, especially when you can go to different free news sites.

I wish the Argus luck, but I am not holding my breath.