Will Democrats kick ass in 2016? Probably.

The ebb and flow of the political parties is funny. It will be interesting to watch the failed policies of the Republicans over the next two years, or the lack there of.

In a presidential turnout year, with Republican hubris and extremism on full display as they flex their newfound power, I have no doubt a big wave for the Democrats can be built. It will take smart strategic thinking about what big issue fights to pick and what dumb bipartisan deals to avoid; it will take a strong dose of economic populism in an economy overwhelmingly skewed to the top 1%; and it will take a unity of purpose instead of Democrats trying to set themselves apart from the core values of the party. But if we are smart and tough and relatively unified, 2016 will be a great election for the Democratic Party.


Major SF Media Outlet plans major changes on Monday

I became sad when I heard this today. Sioux Falls is the hub of South Dakota media and when one of the major organizations plans CUTS it sucks.

While I could go into a rant as to the mistakes this organization has made, I won’t. My server may crash.

The sad part is that the administrators and top producers will probably be protected, you know, the ones who decide ‘WHAT’ will be reported and the foot soldiers will be left in the lurches.

I have had great relationships with these reporters, while I wouldn’t consider them close friends, we have helped each other “getting the story” out. I have shared emails, texts and phone conversations with some of the BEST local journalists I have ever met. Great people who have justice on their minds 24/7. A rare breed in a sea of mediocre compared to the ‘other’ news outlets.

It is unfortunate when a news organization decides to get rid of their true talent in the name of advertising dollars or corporate board room decisions.

The first winter storm of this season will occur in a newsroom tomorrow. That’s to bad.

Steve Hildebrand asks Governor Daugaard to pay us back.

Steve has been on fire lately with his FB comments. The other day he had some scathing remarks in reference to minimum wage when he met the governor at his restaurant, today he had this to say;

Dear Governor Daugaard:

You told me on Friday that you don’t believe in the minimum wage and that you believe a market approach is the way to go. I’ve told a lot of people about that and we’ve concluded that politicians should get paid on a market approach too – you know, on how much you are needed. In today’s world, you aren’t worth much. You cause more problems than you solve, so instead of paying you our hard earned tax dollars, we think you all owe us money. That’s what the market bears in today’s political environment.

I’ll be waiting for my check.

Steve H.

I’m guessing he owes us a lot of money! I’m guessing Thune and Noem probably owe us more.


Argus Ed Board: Paint over Snowplows

First, I would like to say that I like this new and improved ED Board, they are not pulling any punches.

Secondly, I do understand the right to your opinion and freedom of expression. I will defend anyone to create art, but please, use your own canvas, not my tax dollars to promote your opinion.

As for the ‘art’ argument. What the Lutheran school kids painted on the plows ‘WAS NOT’ art. They simply copied a popular image from the internet. That’s it. It is one thing to say ‘artistic expression’ it is a whole other ball of wax to ‘plagiarize’.

With that being said, there are two great lessons here. First, the obvious, promoting religion on government owned property is unconstitutional. I expand on it during the council meeting public input (FF:6:18).

Secondly, copying someone else’s ‘art’ or ‘design’ is also a No-No.

But I think the Argus Ed board states it very well;

Obviously, there should have been clearer guidelines on the types of messages that would be acceptable for the art project in the first place. Someone in the city should be assigned to review the artwork before it’s put on public equipment for public display anyway.

Would there be no oversight to what community groups might paint on park benches or city streets during a beautification project? Or on city buses, for that matter?

Well there are guidelines, the city has them for private businesses in the sign code, and they must be followed. There is also a volunteer commission that is called the Visual Art Commission that approves public art and the use of public art. They should weigh in on these guidelines.

We trust the city is working to clarify the parameters of this project to avoid future problems.

But recognizing this unique conflict and removing the religious messages would not have meant denying the Christian beliefs displayed.

It would have reinforced the notion that governments can’t favor one religion or belief set over another.

Exactly! It really is that simple. But instead we have a mayor who has to politicize EVERYTHING! Sometimes Mike, we just want you to make a fair and just decision, not take sides.