Arresting people over their yards

I think a better approach would have been to mow her lawn and send her a bill, instead they decided to waste a lot of time on courts, lawyers and such, initially wasting more tax dollars to make an ‘example’. But hey, like the Bruce Danielson case, let’s blow tax payers money on frivilous lawsuits, and even if we lose, who cares, it’s not our money;

According to Knoxville’s WVLT, Karen Holloway was cited by the city last summer for her failure to maintain a neat and orderly yard. She received a citation in the mail, but was too consumed with other things to pay it much mind.

“With my husband going to school and working full time, me with my job, with one vehicle, we were trying our best,” said Holloway.

The working mom said that she would be the first to admit that the yard around their house could use some maintenance, but she was utterly shocked on Monday when Judge Terry Vann handed down a five-day jail sentence.

“It’s not right,” Holloway said. “Why would you put me in jail with child molesters, and people who’ve done real crimes, because I haven’t maintained my yard.”

Holloway made an additional appearance before Judge Vann to plead for clemency. Vann reduced her sentence to six hours in the county jail, but would not dismiss the charges altogether, nor would he allow her to serve the time by performing community service.

She turned herself in to authorities at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday.

This was not the first time that she has been served with code violation citations, she told WVLT. When her husband was stationed overseas, she fell behind on the yard work due to “personal, family issues.”

“This opens a floodgate to everybody in Lenoir City being put in jail for silly things,” Holloway said.

A gigantic floodgate of giving absolute authority over what your private property should ‘look like’.


I guess I’m not the only EHRISMAN causing civil discourse (H/T-Helga)



Not sure if many people know, but my last name ‘Ehrisman’ is spelled many different ways, but my spelling is rare. In German, it means ‘Honored Man’ That being said, it is rare I come across others with the name, except for immediate family. I don’t know Stacy, probably relation, but found her story wonderful;

An attorney on maternal leave was denied her request to postpone an immigration hearing in Atlanta, and had to litigate with her baby strapped to her chest. Then, she was berated by the judge, who refused to delay the hearing, for bringing her child to court.

 As soon as Stacy Ehrisman-Mickle agreed to work with two brothers on an immigration case in September, she filed a request to delay the hearing, set for October 7, so that she could complete her six-week maternal leave. Ehrisman-Mickle believed the presiding judge would accept the request, since two other judges presiding over separate cases agreed to push back their hearings in response to letters from her doctor. But Immigration Judge J. Dan Pelletier Sr. turned down her request, claiming, “No good cause. Hearing date set prior to counsel accepting representation.”

Because Ehrisman-Mickle’s truck-driving husband was out of town for work, and she did not have relatives close-by, she was forced to bring her 4-week-old baby to the hearing. Following instructions from her child’s pediatrician, she strapped her daughter to her chest during the hearing, but the baby began to cry. Ehrisman-Mickle was then criticized by Pelletier, in front of everyone at the hearing, for bringing her baby to court. Pelletier told her that her behavior was inappropriate, and that Ehrisman-Mickle’s pediatrician would be displeased, since the baby was exposed to the court’s germs.

The judge eventually agreed to delay the hearing, and Ehrisman-Mickle immediately filed a complaint against him.


I guess it is in our blood to question those in authority.

SON may just win afterall, by default

This story is interesting. Could mean a lot of things. WM could build a SuperCenter still in South Sioux Falls, they could also build a neighborhood store, or nothing at all. Maybe WM is realizing that 3 stores are just enough in Sioux Falls. If I was the city of Harrisburg, I would be jumping all over WM to build a neighborhood store there;

Wal-Mart’s shift away from its supercenters toward small stores and online also underscores how it must respond aggressively to a new era of shopping: Consumers are increasingly moving to mobile devices, while at the same time they’re seeking the convenience of small stores.

It may be why WM is backing off on getting a building permit. The irony of all this is that SON may have prevented WM from making a big financial mistake by building a 4th store. Will they get a thank you? Ha.