Bring it on!


Towards the end of the Governor candidate debate yesterday at the state fair, Myers asked that Governor Daugaard be asked to swear on the bible to testify about EB-5, Dennis yelled out at Myers (in the above image) ‘Bring it on!’ a couple of times.

We are waiting Dennis, we are waiting.

Is the Pavilion coming around? Maybe.

I suppose I could talk about the (non) press conference about the buckling siding at the EC, but there was so much Beautiful Sunshine going on there, I think they had a couple of skid loaders waiting afterwards.

The BIG story of the day is the announcement of a new Visual Arts Center director at the Pavilion;

Kara Dirkson will become the new director of the Visual Arts Center at the Washington Pavilion beginning Sept. 29.

I have to tell you I was delighted to hear this. Kara is well worth her weight in gold when it comes to art, in other words, she knows her stuff. While Kara and I ‘Don’t Hang’ we have many mutual friends, and I am well aware of her talents. I just hope they let her ‘Do her Job’ of advancing visual arts in our community, that is all I have ever expected of the VAC.

Good Luck Kara! And I have an open invitation for an interview to tell readers what your future plans are for the VAC.

Nothing to see here, move along


Take the shell off this turtle and it becomes snack time for their predators.

Yes, let’s have a press conference right before a holiday weekend so no one will remember on Tuesday;

City officials will give an update on efforts to find out why metal panels on bulging on the exterior of the Denny Sanford Premier Center.

Public Works Director Mark Cotter and City Attorney Dave Pfeifle will speak at a news conference at 2 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 28, at the Premier Center, 1201 N. West Ave.

Contractors and architects have been looking into the issue since spring, and a third party expert visited the site this summer to help determine who was responsible for the way panels turned out.

The large steel sheets that line the curved face of the Premier Center are bulging where they meet, creating a ripple effect.

Cotter has said they don’t pose a structural problem and the building will open as expected in late September.

Models of the building will help determine how to correct the issue. Those are expected to be ready by mid-October.


And several councilors have still not been filled in on what is going to be said tomorrow.

Cotter’s statement about structural issues is ludicrous at best. There is not one single building inspector, construction manager, sheet metal manufacturer, etc, etc, that I have not talked to that says siding is an integral part of the structure. As a person who has worked in siding and construction, I can tell you, it is not only cosmetic, it is structural.

Rip the siding off of your own home, find out how structural it is.