South DaCola

Top Ten South DaCola Sioux Falls Wins

Okay, when I decided to do this, I figured I would mull over my list for a couple of days. Five minutes later, I had it. There are great things happening in this community, no doubt, that go under the radar. Some of them happen because of government and the media, some happen because of citizens. This is my humble attempt at putting ten gold stars on our community.

1. South DaCola adds video. Okay, why wouldn’t I pull a ‘Huether’ and pat myself on the back? But I really have to hand it to my camera man ‘—–‘ who has been diligent in following around our city government when our conventional media has not. I have enjoyed many positive comments about the videos, and I think it has lead to others getting more involved with informing themselves about local government.

2. Snowgates get approved. This was a no-brainer from the beginning. As I have said, this isn’t a NEW public service, this is just making one that already exists better (snow removal). I will give props to the public works and street department for taking the brunt of the learning curve. Keep at it! It will only get better.

3. Bicycle awareness takes center stage. While somebody dying in a traffic accident is never a good thing, it has catapulted the conversation about drivers versus pedestrians and bicyclists. Let’s continue the conversation and turn these tragedies into a positives.

4. Our bike trail and parks system is world class. I am often amazed at how blessed we are, with all of the things we could have done wrong in this city, we nailed it with the bike trail. It really is the gem of this city.

5. Beating city hall. More and more citizens are beating the city’s crack legal team in litigation. While this may not be a positive for them, it is a positive for the citizens who have been wronged by city employees and politicians who seek vengeance. We could have a very long conversation about ‘good neighbors’ but let’s face it, the constitution of the United States is in place to protect our property and civil rights, I just don’t think the message has permeated the city attorney’s office yet. Keep up the good fight.

6. Unemployment is at an all time low. This could help drive up wages, training and other opportunities.

7. The roads in Sioux Falls are getting better. I’m not saying they are pristine, but I have lived here since 1991, and have to attest, they are the best I have ever seen them. Now if we could only teach people how to drive on them.

8. Downtown is flourishing. I have been a ‘downtowner’ since I moved here, and I have to admit, it is still the best place to eat, view art and a band anywhere in the city. I attribute this not only to organizations or city government but to the hardworking business owners, their employees (many of them are close friends) and patrons. As I often joke with my friends, “Anywhere else in Sioux Falls besides Downtown is outer space to me.”

9. Southside Walmart may be defeated, or at least scaled back. Time will tell, but an amazing group of citizen advocates may have finally put the final nail in this coffin. We need four Walmarts in Town like we need another video lottery casino or pay day lender . . . wait.

10. The Argus Leader grows a sack. I will have to admit, I actually read the paper front to back these days, I have been impressed with the scaled back leaner version (staff), and the surprises from veterans like Ellis, and the re-shuffled like Whitney and Young. Not that they have competition, the other media sources in town are busy attending Christmas parties and NFL games with our mayor, and less concerned about delivering news. But hey, it might snow tomorrow.

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