I got a call about 12:30 that the bill has been ‘tabled’ by it’s sponsor, Corey Brown. This of course means there is a possibility it could return, but from another sponsor, but after the backlash, that is highly Unlikely.

Brown said the negative backlash is what made him decide to table it. And rightfully so. The only negativity is the arrogance that he wielded thinking he could push this through. I think they thought this would go under the radar, but over 30 papers across the state published editorials and columns about the detriment of the proposed bill.

I would like to give a big thumbs up to Theresa Stehly who helped spearhead the opposition by contacting statewide media and other legislators. I would also like to thank SD Bread for the World, SD Peace and Justice Center, Gordon Howie and Rick Weiland and the SD Democratic Party for getting the message out.

Don’t mess with the voice of the people.

8 Thoughts on “BREAKING: SB 166 Tabled

  1. SDGOPMafia on February 6, 2015 at 4:04 pm said:

    Tabled? Does this mean they will try to slip this in just before the end of the session?

  2. Why did South Dakota’s new SOS, Shantel Krebs, NOT speak out publicly to oppose this?

  3. I also like how Brown said no one wanted to have an ‘Intellectual’ conversation about it. Really!? Well maybe if you an Lederman would return phone calls you could have had that conversation? Or maybe letting people testify today? The fact is you did NOT want a ‘conversation’ about this, because you know you were flat out wrong trying to change law after a ruling that was over 20 years old. Maybe you were scared of the conversation, because the intellectuals actually showed up today . . .

  4. I also heard that Lederman told someone today he didn’t return their call because his VM on his phone wasn’t working . . . yeah right, a bail bondsman that has a broken phone. LOL.

  5. Dan Daily on February 6, 2015 at 7:56 pm said:

    I was present in the audience for this committee. The senators seemed very uncomfortable while Theresa Stehly sat in the front row knitting waiting to testify. It was apparent this bill was a mistake. It’s tabled without comment. I’m of the opinion it’s finished.

  6. Shelly on February 6, 2015 at 8:03 pm said:

    my mother was in pierre today and she said that brown stated that one of the reasons for tabling it was that people were using foul language with the pages over it. really? i doubt that.

  7. Voter….shantel said nothing because the the koch brothers and ALEC contribute to her campaign warchest.


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