Well that is why I go to these things (even though my camera man was absent AND I told him I didn’t want to bother with it-my mistake) is to hear something new. To my surprise another attendee asks David about the Indoor pool MOU with the VA and if one exists in writing. David contends that the city believes they are following the terms of the Quit Claim deed by using that park and all city parks for ‘recreation’ but then admits that while he has had many discussions with the VA’s regional office about the deed, he has not yet obtained an actual written MOU with them and says he is waiting on the ‘site plan’ to present to the VA before seeking that document. More smoke and mirrors and kicking the can down the road, kind of reminds me of how they are handling the Events Center siding issue.

Also, pertaining to the pool, I spoke with a contractor today, who knows a little something about indoor pools, etc. and has spoken with some people associated with the building of the new aquatic center. He says the cost increase is due to not only being shown a much more expensive pool in 3D drawings before the election, but that an advanced HVAC system and special roof are probably contributing to the higher price tag. Remember when Parks Director Don Kearney talked about the ‘rusting’ issues? These are combatted with a special ventilation system.

Back to the Democratic Forum, David talked about a report (he got online) about the decline of civility in politics. He seemed to focus on one element of the report; bloggers and media’s negativity and angst. First off, he is citing a report that was filed almost 5 years ago, and secondly he makes no mention that the angst and disgust in the public and media is due to the rambid corruption, partisanship and lies that come from politicians and public officials, like David himself. The angst is a reflection of the ones that are supposed to be serving us. And may I also remind David that just as recent as Tuesday I addressed the council about their own civility towards each other. You can blame the media and blogs all you want, but when you lie and mislead the public while spending our tax dollars, you should expect us to call you out on it, and yes, be somewhat angry and less ‘civil’. The solution? Stop being corrupt.

I was also able to get in a couple of questions to David. The first one was about the Charter Revision Commission and why there is currently NO members. Basically I was asking where I could submit revision suggestions, he pointed me to an email address on the city website.

My second question was about how much money the city spends on outside legal counsel each year. He claimed to have no idea, but did say his department has a $50K a year budget. So I followed up with saying, “So what you are telling us is that each department has their own budget for legal counsel and you have no idea what the total is?” and he agreed. So know it seems they are hiding the true costs of outside legal counsel by burying it in each department’s budget. So much for transparency there.

I could say a lot more about what I heard today at Democratic Forum, but I am choosing to be civil.


10 Thoughts on “City Attorney David Pfeifle admits at Democratic Forum today that there is no written MOU with the VA – ‘Yet’

  1. “rampant”

    I wouldn’t expect an attorney to know what the budgets are for the rest of the city’s departments. Not his job. Only cover up here is your not asking the right person(s). Try Turbak – the “Budget Director”. It’s HIS job.

  2. Titleist on February 20, 2015 at 11:27 pm said:

    Public schools. PUBLIC INDOOR POOLS!

  3. Dan Daily on February 21, 2015 at 8:16 am said:

    City council should be asking these questions. Something’s very wrong with checks & balances. At this juncture, the only way to discover irregularities is with blogger reports such as this. I’m starting to wonder what the city council is for. Perhaps, it’s just cheerleaders to back up the mayor’s directives. Citizens have started regularly visiting blog sites. They crave honest reporting (for that matter, any reporting) from the media. The city channel is propaganda. Thank you bloggers and for delivering local news. Comments here help round out the REAL story and disclosure the city attorney despises.

  4. Ruf, thanks for the typo correction 🙂

    Yeah, why would anyone expect the head city attorney know what he is spending on outside legal counsel for the entire city? Heck even a ballpark figure? That’s just crazy talk.

    He does know, and he also knows if that number was released to the public, they would crap their pants.

  5. I’m really tired of the Mayor and his employees ranting against the media and bloggers, especially given that for the most part the local media has done nothing but give him kudos for anything he has done or wants to do. The moment ANY politician just says “trust me” I want the investigation efforts to be doubled, regardless of their popularity or party of choice. Checks and balances exist for a reason, and the City Council is there to be MORE than a rubber stamp.

  6. Common Sense on February 21, 2015 at 3:24 pm said:

    If MMM was intent on protecting the citizen’s $ he would have given directives to Fiddle-Faddle to attain a MOU long ago.

    The mayor does not care about anything but being able to shout, “Look what I accomplished! Don’t you think I am wonderful!!”

    No one is watching out for the citizen’s investment/debt. The public will surely hold the two of them accountable. If they proceed without an MOU may the “sky fall in on both of them”!!

  7. Scott, I know, I was just giggling when he was talking about this and thinking to myself how convenient it was that he was cherry-picking the information in the 48 page report which was really about the Tea Party movement.

  8. DL – WTF – you’re compaoiniung now that he doestnplt know hos OWN department’s budget???? Here’s what YOU WROTE above, in re to whether or not he knows HIS OWN department’s budget. “…..but did say his department has a $50K a year.”

    Don’t you read your own crap?

  9. Fingers moving too fast.

  10. Yeah, Ruf, not even going to respond to your goobly-gook. But thanks for correcting mine.

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