South DaCola

SB166, it’s all about the kids!


Give me a break. Why are the kids answering your phone anyway Ernie? And BTW, several constituents showed up to testify, and you and the committee didn’t allow the ‘intellectual’ conversation. Piss and moan about the ‘kids’ all you want, but your ilk continue to hide behind the morality and constitutional argument (which is weak at best).

Let’s face it, you are butt hurt that the Democrats have been handing you your asses on initiatives and you don’t have complete control. Pull the fairytale constitution, from your rear ends and start governing like logical human beings. A democracy is built around the people, not rhetoric, not 20-year old lawsuits and certainly not about answering services.

Let me repeat that, PEOPLE! LIVING PEOPLE!

Now turn on your cell phone, your emails and carrier pigeons and listen to the PEOPLE!

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