First meeting from September 9, 2014 then the one from February 2, 2015. Boy how the answers and numbers have changed in a few short months.



By l3wis

10 thoughts on “Throwing the baby out with the pool water”
  1. ERP absolutely drives me insane. She chastises Andersen over his concerns but ultimately it’s about her feelings. I would have told her to manage her own feelings.

  2. The Indoor Pool ‘Project’ has come a long way since voters didn’t vote for it, the no bids contract is already awarded, and the land is restricted from (other than a park) development. There’s a bottle and a Genie the mayor used to grant these 3 wishes. This is another fairy tale ending. There will be a happy excessive debt ending to combine with the half billion city debt in one big bankruptcy forgiveness.

  3. Thanks for hard work in splicing this all together Scott.
    These undecided costs on a project this large, the sudden changes to the original plan to close to 24 million….PLUS additional costs no one seems to be able to verify?!
    Council members……PLEASE don’t jump into this and vote for this without knowing exactly what this will cost our citizens! This is our money and keep questioning. These vague answers from P&R and city personnel are indicative of either total lack of transparency on the project or they have told so many different stories throughout this process, they can’t come up with straight answers.

    Again, WHY does the mainstream media not dig into this?

  4. Good job Scott. This really ticks me off. When full time paid staff cannot make a story straight you know that it is coming from the top. I agree with S.K. Don’t vote for this until they are completely honest with the council and the tax payers/residents of Sioux Falls. If a major corporation played with numbers like this they could be criminally charged.

  5. Lewis, spent some time today watching some of your latest YouTube videos about the spellerberg mess. I continue to be amazed at the arrogance of this mayor, and a few of our councilors. I was particularly impressed with the Charlie Roberts presentation. Charlie. I gotta know. Are you the same Charlie Roberts who was a tailback with the Warriors in the early 60’s?

    Back to the pool fiasco. Also looked at the councilman/hunsacker study of just two years ago. Did you know the 2013 price for a larger indoor pool WITH the now deleted outside spray park and sun deck only cost 14.5 million? It got to 18.5 by adding in a 6 % inflation factor for 2015 and 3 million for contingency and indirect costs. So, all of these new increases should have already been realized at the then 18.5 price tag.

    I still contend a major reason for the increase has to do with catering to the swim club. I believe the people will be real disappointed with the amount of time the 50 meter pool area will be inaccessible to the public. And that’s a shame, when you consider how much of this total outlay of funds is going for just the 50 meter pool area. But I guess that won’t matter as long as you can afford the $1556 a year it costs just for a single membership

  6. And what about the promise made by Don Kearney to the city council to not proceed with the project without written permission from the VA regarding the contingencies in the quit claim deed? This is called a Memorandum of Understanding. Do you suppose the city plans to honor this promise? Do you think they plan to protect our investment/debt? Do you really think they have the integrity to do the right thing?
    I bet they haven’t even attempted to attain an MOU!!

  7. Don Kearney, back in April 2014, promised the city council that the city would not proceed with the project without FIRST obtaining written permission from the VA regarding the quit claim deed and its’ contingencies. I other words, the city does not have a clear title and needs to attain a Memorandum of Understanding from the VA. I want to know if the Memorandum of Understanding has been attained as a protection for the investment the citizens are being asked to make.
    My guess is that the city has done nothing to protect our tax money they plan on spending! My guess is that integrity has drowned in the pool.

  8. I’m pretty sure they could announce tomorrow that this Indoor pool will be lined with gold and its still going to happen! Even though some of the talking heads have vocalized concern, this thing is trucking right on through no matter how many flaws we find. This whole thing is very disturbing

  9. Instead of elect and pay councilors; how about crash dummies, blow up dolls, or bobble heads in those seats? They’d still always agree with the mayor and there’d still be no checks and balances.

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