
The city attorney was asked recently at Democratic Forum what was going on with the Spellerberg pool MOU with the VA. His response, “We are in communications and working on it.”

At last week’s Spellerberg pool presentation the Parks director was asked about the MOU. His response, “We are in communications and working on it.”

This week they plan on starting site work for the pool and at yesterday’s press conference at Spellerberg Park the Mayor was asked about the MOU, His response, “Next question.” And when pressured to answer the question, he still did not respond and recommended that we “move along.”


After the press conference, Bruce and I were talking with a reporter from KSFY and explaining the MOU situation to him, and how we have been asking for a resolution for almost 3 years. As we were standing in the parking lot, the mayor slowly drove up in his truck with his window down and spouted out his window (in a most mature manner) “Thank You KSFY for coming today.” And drove off grinning sarcastically in his rearview mirror.

Mr. Mayor, you have been given plenty of opportunities to address the MOU, but instead you and city staff continue to blow it off and feed us the same line over and over, “We are working on it.”

Here’s the deal, I don’t give a rip if you get the MOU, if you think it is prudent to spend $24 million in tax dollars on a piece of property controlled by the Federal Government, so be it. But if you have no intention of attaining that document, instead of acting like a little kid yelling from your pickup window, why don’t you just tell us the truth, “I have no intention of attaining an MOU.” Instead all this smoke and mirrors and public pouting.

The resolution is simple. Tell the truth.


By l3wis

16 thoughts on “Grow up and tell us the truth about the MOU with the Veterans Administration”
  1. Let them alone. The design is not meant for the public and it’ll be to expensive to maintain. After Dictator (Huether AD), city accounting irregularities will become apparent. There’s not enough budget to service the new sports meccas. There will be more tax partition for the county so they can satisfy welfare and jail budgets. In other words, the city will have to MOU to the VA. The VA isn’t responding now because they appreciate and do not want to jeopardize the city building a swim therapy center for veterans. Thank you Sioux Falls. If it helps, name it Huether so everyone remembers this foolish mayor.

    The mayor drive-by proves how childish and insane he is. Perhaps reporters realize this now. Careful, if you’re at an EC event and tick him off he’ll take his ball and go home so the game can’t finish.

  2. Hint – ALL property in the US and it’s territories is “controlled” by the Federal Government.

  3. Don Kearney promised the city council an MOU or written permission from the VA would be attained BEFORE ANY GROUND WAS BROKEN. Attainment of this MOU is protection for the taxpayers’ $25 M investment because of ominous contingencies in the quit claim deed.

    So two observations are left. Either our competent city attorney, who regards conversations as binding as written documents, is unable to attain an MOU and MMM does not want to admit it, or Huether doesn’t give a damn about honoring the city’s commitment and/or protecting the taxpayers hard earned money!

    Do you think integrity and honesty reside at our city hall?

  4. The RCJ VA budgeted for a new surgical area in 2002. Did planning from 2006-2012. They have been working on it since 2013 and plan to “maybe” open in 2016. You think the federal government can do paperwork on some little pool project in SF in 3 years, you are dreaming. It takes me 3-4 months to get a purchase order for a procedure that the other local hospital give me a PO for the same day.

    Besides, nobody wants it there. Once built, this can be the cities contribution to our veterans coming back from war/service who need water therapy. And then a facility can be built where ALL the people want it.

  5. This whole MOU demand business is just a red herring. There is NOTHING about this project that violates any term in the quit claim deed. NOTHING. This is just a bunch of SELF-OBSESSED wannabes continually pricking away at a self-created scab. The more you keep picking away at this – the more you promote the image of being nothing more to habitual whiners.

  6. Ruf, it really isn’t about getting the MOU, it’s about telling us the truth about the process. If the mayor and city have NO intention of getting it, fine, THEN F’ING TELL US THAT! But don’t keep telling us ‘you are working on it’. If they are ‘working on it’ they must think it is important?

  7. Like I said – it’s not about the (red herring) MOU – it’s about your obsession with the mayor.

  8. “it’s about your obsession with the mayor.”

    Or more like my obsession with public officials telling the truth?

  9. Ruf, you are blowing hot air and have no legal background. I have been told by highly regarded Sioux Falls attorneys that there is most definitely a big problem with that quit claim deed!

  10. If that were “the truth” the mayor would be a minor offender on these pages, not the main focus.

  11. “Don Kearney promised the city council an MOU or written permission from the VA would be attained BEFORE ANY GROUND WAS BROKEN.”

    Someone should post video of this.

  12. Just add it to the pile of lies. If we could build this facility out of Bullshit, we could have saved taxpayers $24 million.

  13. I see the 30/70 crowd is still sad.

    I have noticed that the Veterans Administration has not stormed into court seeking an injunction to stop the City from building of the pool on its’ property. Based upon that, one might conclude that it is O.K. with the indoor public pool at Spellerberg. Hmmm….

    Looking forward to an INDOOR PUBLIC pool!


  14. Again – just for you Mr. “Informed” – an MOU is NOT a legally binding contract

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