CORRECTION: Remember the cinedome that needed a new roof last year? Well the 15 year old remodel now needs a new roof at ENGINEERING COSTS OF $78K. (Can’t wait to see the final costs to come in on the roof) While this is probably true, we need to take this into account, this is the kind of maintenance we will need for the Events Center over the next 20 years. Why is it that city facilities need so much maintenance?


I also see the city needs to purchase ‘dumb bodies’, I thought we were already paying a hefty price for them 🙂


By l3wis

4 thoughts on “Pavilion needs new roof”
  1. The78k gets engineering done. Again the city engineers don’t have someone qualified to assemble a bid pkg with all the previous roof jobs done there???? Repl more like a million dollars Maybe its in ok shape and they want an out of state company to do it. Just like the rumor going around replacing real stone at the ec with man made products coming from out of state

  2. I know what you are talking about at the EC, apparently, Cambria is vying for a sponsorship at the EC, so if approved by City Council, they would tear our current (man made) countertop at the EC and put in theirs at a specific lounge, at their expense. It is unfortunate for a couple of reasons, first off, even if we are not paying for the install, we still paid for the initial install, and this stuff can’t be recycled, it will most likely be thrown away, and secondly, the Cambria countertops won’t match what is currently there. But, Hell, what do I know, sell, sell, sell sponsorships.

  3. Tork guy can take it across the street to Brennan’s pawn shop and pawn it.

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