After taxpayers have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on the River Greenway project and 6th street for Raven’s benefit, they thank the community by laying off 75 of city resident employees.

Isn’t living in a ‘Right to Work’ state fantastic?

Surprised the State and Sanford aren’t giving them millions to train their workers also.

7 Thoughts on “Thanks Raven for your community input!

  1. SO no one gets laid off in a closed shop state? You need to think about that a bit more.

    Another instance where government shouldn’t be picking the winner and losers.

  2. scott on March 11, 2015 at 7:35 pm said:

    good thing there are all those new “scholarships” available to teach the laid off workers welding. and there’s still plenty of call center jobs to boot!

  3. l3wis on March 11, 2015 at 8:49 pm said:

    Yup, SF government picked Raven for FREE Greenway upgrades, via our tax dollars, then Raven picks the losers and cans them. Kind of sounds like the sales department should have gotten the pink slips first. You go Blue Dog Steffy!

  4. Poly43 on March 12, 2015 at 8:20 am said:

    It’s not happening at just Ravens. It also here in SF’s local Target headquarters. Several were walked out the door here, over a thousand in Minneapolis. Why??? Read on.

  5. l3wis on March 12, 2015 at 8:58 am said:

    Probably a good thing they didn’t bring their card services to Sioux Falls. That was the plan about 5-6 years ago, the reason they backed out was their wasn’t enough people to hire without sucking them away from CapitalCityFirstPremierTotalCard.

  6. Dan Daily on March 12, 2015 at 11:56 am said:

    Raven must have lost a contract. It’s what happens. They’re here to stay because of the quality of the workforce and because there’s not overhead for downsizing unprofitable ventures.

    Raven has new technology to fly balloons into geosynchronous orbit. Motorola is involved. Specialized balloons fly this high & higher. It’s a tenth the price of the space shuttle program and the best way to build space stations for launching interplanetary.

    They didn’t pay me to post. If there’s ever any hope for the river Greenway and downtown revival, Raven will be how it started.

  7. Taxpayer on March 12, 2015 at 3:08 pm said:

    Raven Industries is also the recipient of TIF #13:

    Overview of TIF District 13

    Tax Inremental Finance District Number 13, City of Sioux Falls (“TIF 13”) is being created to stimulate reinvestment into existing downtown property and undertake projects that will increase the overall value of the properties in the district. The catalyst for the district’s creation is the renovation of the Raven Industries headquarters building from a manufacturing facility to a modern headquarters facility, renovation to the adjacent York building, and site work including the construction of a riverfront terrace on the south side of the Ravens headquarters building. TIF 13 will be used to fund costs associated with the riverfront terrace, improvements to the site and City’s recreation easement, façade easements, improvements to 6th Street from the Big Sioux River to Phillips Avenue, and river greenway construction on the west bank between 6th Street and the existing pedestrian bridge.

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