
I was not in attendance, but one of my foot soldiers sent me this;

It was short, but quite unbelievable!

Kent Alberty momentarily FORGOT that approval of the 2015-2016 calendar was on the agenda.

Then, just two days after the public vote where voters gave her another three year term, Kate Parker wanted to change the school calendar which the infamous calendar committee had just formulated. 

Fortunately, Doug Morrison injected some common sense into the discussion and ultimately, the vote was 4-1 in favor of not touching what the calendar committee had just come up with!

Like I said, I wasn’t there, and have yet to watch the video, but I am uncertain how Parker felt she could skirt state law? Oh wait, I guess it was OK for some of the teachers to skate that fine line, so why not an elected school board member?

These people! When are they going to figure out the initiative and referendum process is a check and balance?


By l3wis

5 thoughts on “A very ‘Unusual’ SF School Board meeting”
  1. Monitors make them look like blockheads. Get some tablet computers so we can see you smile when you violate state law. I’m trying hard to get over the 220k salary and cushy benefits awarded the superintendent. Have you no shame? How many lunches would this buy for impoverished middle class school children?

  2. I heard a couple of weeks ago the total package (Wages + Benefits) is $275K. Alberty had the offer and told a reporter about it a couple of weeks ago, but didn’t want it public yet.

    Why would we offer a guy coming from a district of 5K students more then what Homan is currently making? Not only does our school board struggle with following state law, they seem to have no economic sense whatsoever.

  3. But I guess that’s why our administrator pay ranks at 26 in the nation and teacher pay is at 51. We don’t need more taxes to raise teacher pay, we need to stop paying the administrators at a higher rate then the teachers and balance it out a bit.

  4. Must be getting old, l3wis, you’re radical cred is sounding more conservative…

  5. Along with administration pay – this also includes people such as DeeAnn Konrad. Take a look at what her pay schedule is at? – six figures!!! Everybody needs to realize that the state gives each school district their dollars – however – those local school districts then decide how to spend those dollars. Now, I know we are underfunded at the state level – but this is true – our administration pay nationally is embarrassing compared to what we pay our teachers. I have told the local media this but noone will touch it with a ten foot pole. I wonder why?

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