Touchmark has been trying unsuccessfully for years to expand on the corner of 18th and Phillips. The neighbors claim that it would ‘ruin the neighborhood’ and historical aspects.

First off, without the most obvious argument, Touchmark owns the land. Yeah, Yeah, I heard the same with the Walmart issue, except, Walmart DID not own the land, they only had an agreement to purchase, not even sure if they have bought it to this day.

Also, it seems besides a few nit-picking neighbors, the historical preservation board seems to be the only ones objecting, and they truly are powerless and advisory in nature. The Planning Commission and City Council CAN ignore their advice, and should.

Other then that, I actually think a building on that corner would be an improvement. I drive past that intersection a lot, and I have yet to see anyone utilizing the land for recreation that live at Touchmark. In fact, I have never even seen a groundskeeper in the grove of trees.

Touchmark owns the property, and the expansion would improve the lives of their residents. Stop crying about a couple of trees and let them expand.

By l3wis

10 thoughts on “All Saints Neighborhood crying about nothing”
  1. Touchmark is not Lloyd or Sanford. The neighborhood arguments will get attention. Once Touchmark pads certain pockets, the neighbors will be ignored and there will be new construction. Enough green and they’ll also get a TIF.

  2. Planning commission last night pretty much told the neighborhood, thanks for your input, but this project is full steam ahead. Hopefully the City Council sees it that way also.

  3. The All Saints Neighborhood Association objects to expansion at 18th and Phillips, but has NO objection to the McMansion being built on Second Avenue directly across from the historic entrance to McKennan Park. (original stone pillars)

    I wonder if this has anything to do with the fact that the President of the All Saints Neighborhood Association, John Paulson, is Executive Chief of Staff for Sanford Health and the owner of the McMansion is a Sanford physician, Dr. Sarah Jones Sapienza, and Joseph “Josh” Sapienza?!

  4. Anon – You bring up an interesting theory. Will the Touchmark expansion include a therapy center of their own instead sending residents to Sanford or Avera for those services now? Hmmmmm. Seems their might be more to this then just a grove of trees.

  5. It really is amazing. Just six or so blocks away, Sanford has been allowed to do whatever they want and the residents are basically told to shut up. Even before the expansion, the increase flooded basements were probably the cause of the hospital. Again, the residents were told to shut up. Now they’re gradually going to be allowed to buy up the entire neighborhood to Minnesota Avenue (except for my dentist’s office, which I’m so proud that they refuse to back down). Yet in this case, again just blocks away, the residents have the power over what a landowner wants to do…while, as noted, a Sanford big wig is allowed to say “fuck you” to his neighbors as they build a montrosity not fit for the area. I think I want an honorary Sanford gig.

  6. I don’t watch local news anymore, but my TV was on KELO when I turned it on last night. I saw the worst piece of TV “journalism” that I’ve ever seen, which is saying something. They filmed Huether going to meet the neighbors of that stupid McKennan area McMansion, and it was a complete piece of PR for Their Man Mike.

  7. Happy to Announce justice still prevails in Sioux Falls. The owners of house beside the Sapiensa McMansion
    WON their legal battle against Josh Sapienza the husband of Sanford Hospital Pediatric Surgeon Sara Sapienza.
    Wooohoo! “Mr Gorbachov tear that wall down!”

  8. The McMansion house was just tore down today. That was a waste of $900,000.

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