South DaCola

Are our local TV Stations skewing the school start date debate

My first reaction is to blame it on bad journalism and ineptness, let’s face it, coming from a station who has a long standing anchor resigning because she just realized she is grumpy and grouchy and another station that is more concerned about photo-ops with the mayor at their company Christmas party we shouldn’t be too surprised.

First, Sammi starts it off with her bad math skills;

The later start also means pushing the end of school back. The last day of school this year is May 14th.

With the new proposal, it would be nearly a month later on June 2nd.

Not sure what math classes Sammi took in college, but last I checked a month is between 28-31 days. The difference between 5/14 and 6/2 is 19 days, about 11 days short of a month. But nice try skewing the topic.

Let’s move on to the Grouchy Nancy station.

Contrary to popular belief, this group is completely student run, other than a mentor needed to oversee the students. Students are not given extra credit to join the group or vote in the election. These ideas and opinions are all student based and are what the students want.

Ah nice work (wink, nod, nod, SF School District Attorney Sue Simons) yeah, not one single teacher or administrator, or PR person has spent ANY time during instructional time on school property helping these students, because see that would violate state law, and let’s just take their word for it. But why would KSFGrouchy spend anytime actually investigating if what the students are saying is true? Because that would take being an actual journalist instead just a microphone stand.

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